Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
I. → About.
Name: Diana
Stamped as:
moe moe Ada <3Would you prefer having: two mothers, two fathers, a father and a mother or it dosen't matter? ah to me it doesn't really matter but for now i'd like a mother and father x)
→ Yourself.
Likes:Anime, Manga, Romantic novels, Books, Gardening, Art, Beach, Gardens, Astronomy, Astrology, Planetariums, Ocean related stuff, Figurines from anime/games, Mythology, Tv-series, Ancient History, Children, English, French, Graphic Making, Drawing, Writting, Sleeping, being lazy, video-games, shopping, Fire Emblem (to the infinite and beyond), i love love to laugh and i simply love freedom
Dislikes:Horror Movies, Overaction, Balloons, needles, allergies, Ignorant people, being sick, studying, Spicy food, bossy people, being ignored and bossed around, strong noises, being poked, perverts, over-obsessiveness, pointless people, stalkers, etc
In your opinion, what is your best and worst quality? My best quality is probably the support i give to others, i am someone that my friends can rely on because i'm always always there and i give my advice, i end up distracting them from their problems and like i said, i think that i am someone that is very reliable, very "you can count on her for anything" like.
My worst quality is probably the crap ability of taking things too seriously, like anything, if someone makes a joke about how i look or if anyone bugs me for the accent when i speak english i get bothered and at times that leads me to bad judgements in other serious situations
What is your dreams/ambitions? My dream is simply to live happily, to find that someone that will be my mister Right and settle down, other than that can just be improvised along the way
Describe your personality in 6 words or less: Honest, Cheerful, Motherlike, Stubborn, Closed, Dorky
→ Opinion
(Please elaborate a little bit on each)
Are you...
Mature or Immature? I can say that i am a very mature girl/woman whatever *laughs* On livejournal i like to be more silly and ditzy but i am quite mature in almost all of the matters, but i obviously won't say that i don't have my immature times, i am just a human being for lord's sake x)
Speaker or Listener? I speak........A lot, but i also am a very good listener, i mean, i love to give my opinion and i like it when i'm heard but i also like to hear other people's opinions and i like to hear them out in other aspects so yeah i am both on this case
Leader or a Follower? Neither. One thing i learned is that no one is trully happy following nor leading. To me leading is just too much, you have to ponder every aspect of what you do because you have people following you, you have to take the action otherwise no one will and that at a time makes you just feel too tired to do a rat's ass but following is not an option to me, i have my own judgement, sure i can twist my arm a bit and let someone tell me that this is better or worst but i think that everyone should at least lead their own path
Rash or Cautious? I can be horridly rash with people, ok depending on people, like i said, i am very quick to judge someone for this or that but i think that other than that, in other life aspects i am very very cautious, i don't like getting hurt (no one does, duhr) so yeah
Outgoing or MoeShy? ROFLOL i think i am a mix of a Moe with a Tsundere here...I am not joking thou *laughs* I am very shy or simply awkward with people that i don't know, i'm like those little kids that hides behind people when i feel somehow intimidated or i can be little miss curious peeking to see the others, errr when i'm with my comfortable group i am more outgoing, more extroverted i suppose
Hyper, Calm or in-between? I am in between, mostly calm but i have my silly moments, specially when i'm around my bestbud, she's just a crack that it's impossible not to laugh when she starts with her crazy stuff
Modest or Bold? Well for what i hear, i am very modest, not ridiculously modest (i am ridiculous to the point of not being able to take well a compliment but FFF that....) but i think that life taught me to be modest
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Right now? I am an optimistic/realistic, i am fighting for my life, i'm not just a sulky idiot on the corner, i try to remain as realistic as possible and at times i allow myself to be more optimistic because we all need that little sparkle of optimism in life
Hardworking or Laid-back? Way laid back, on the lazy laziest side ever 8 D
→ Situational.
When on a assignment/mission given by Pandora, you find out that someone on your team you dislike is in trouble. What would you do? Help him/her, Alert someone else to help him/her or completely Ignore it? I'd probably make the worst >:| ever staring at the person that told me about it, but i'd go and help that person out VERY annoyed but i would, after all eh, if someone is in trouble i'm not going to be an hypocrite, i'd love to have help as well if the situation was the reverse one
When you're in a fix on something, anything at all, do you remain calm or start panicking?I show to be calm but deep down i am probably panicking, i know myself very well *laughs*
When the situation gets turned not to your advantage, do you remain clam and face it, call for help or just run away from it? I probably try to face it myself but i'd end up calling out for help but i doubt that unless i was completly broken that i'd ever run away
How would you react if you find yourself in the abyss? At first i'd go completely HOLY DUCK WHAT THE HELL!? at the whole world of the abyss, then i'd probably get a little freaked out if i couldn't find my way out since hell, let's face those dudes are fugly and creepy
Would you prefer to be going on assignments for Pandora in other cities/towns getting rid of enemy chains and/or gathering information, staying behind in Pandora and being the strategist/doing paperwork/assigning missions or just be a Student at Latowidge? I'd love to do assignments for Pandora in other cities and towns, i want to be in the front line, i hate not being a part of something or just sit my tussy with paperwork or gathering info since i am definitly not good at that (it bores the hell out of me)
Would you form a contract with a Chain? Depends on my situation but i'd probably form one, yeah
→ Mirror.
Please describe your appearance in detail or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link): (The most recent ones are the pink dress ones)
→ Misc.
Any problems with the questions? Ah nah x) it's cool the questions were quite fun for me
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? ugh dunno, i definitly would love that the comm was more movimented since I LOVE IT ;w;
Anything else? Nopsey dopsey ^-^