Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
three → About.
Name: Laras / anything that's not rude or impolite
Stamped as:
Vincent NightrayWould you prefer having: two mothers, two fathers, a father and a mother or it dosen't matter? one mother and one father is enough for me.
→ Yourself.
Likes: many things! sleeping, cats, being lazy, tea, frozen yoghurt, karaoke, arts, drawing, painting, etc.
Dislikes: a lot of works :( , sea, sea creatures, sea theme-park, slow internet connection, my current math teacher (that needs to be finished already), being misunderstood, not being loved back, pointless argumentations, etc.
In your opinion, what is your best and worst quality? My worst quality is lazy, no doubt for it! My best quality might be easy-going and happy on outside (although I am not so sure about this...)
What is your dreams/ambitions? I want to graduate from high school, then I want to continue my study in a cool, but great, college. I'll start a stable career, find a person I really love, get married, have two children, involved in a great project in my career (and succeed it). And last, go to heaven.
Describe your personality in 6 words or less: Lazy, day-dreamer, hyper... and what I'm thinking inside rarely showed up on the outside.
→ Opinion
(Please elaborate a little bit on each)
Are you...
Mature or Immature? mostly immature but I could suddenly be so seriously mature, yet it's rarely to show up.
Speaker or Listener? like 70% listener, 30% speaker.
Leader or a Follower? follower! I can't boss around very well, though.
Rash or Cautious? ffff /tonguetied! I could be both! I could be very cautious, or very rash. I'm confused, here, really.
Outgoing or MoeShy? Shy at first, shamelessly outgoing when you've known me.
Hyper, Calm or in-between? mostly happily hyper, around people I trust. Hey, I want to make an acceptable impression on people I haven't met before!
Modest or Bold? More to the bold? Yes, strike it out already! Especially when I hate someone.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic! Every single thing has a good side!
Hardworking or Laid-back? 100% Laid-back.
→ Situational.
When on a assignment/mission given by Pandora, you find out that someone on your team you dislike is in trouble. What would you do? Help him/her, Alert someone else to help him/her or completely Ignore it? Help out, but that doesn't mean my feelings toward him/her will ever change.
When you're in a fix on something, anything at all, do you remain calm or start panicking? Try to be remain calm and don't think about it for a moment. Panicking will distract your concentration and waste your energy!
When the situation gets turned not to your advantage, do you remain clam and face it, call for help or just run away from it? RUN AWAY! /runs
How would you react if you find yourself in the abyss? Being confused for a moment, and then search for an exit.
Would you prefer to be going on assignments for Pandora in other cities/towns getting rid of enemy chains and/or gathering information, staying behind in Pandora and being the strategist/doing paperwork/assigning missions or just be a Student at Latowidge? Getting rid of enemy chains sounds better than doing paperworks...
Would you form a contract with a Chain? Yes. I expect one of the best ones out there, it must not make me end up regretting the contract.
→ Mirror.
Please describe your appearance in detail or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link):
so i am kind of 160 cm height, with 48-50 kg weight. black, messy short hair with bangs, usually part to the right side. sometimes wear glasses, but these days I rarely wear glasses (except for classes). medium sized eyes, not too slanted or big. medium sized nose, not too broad or pointy. slightly thick lips. tanned (or brown-ish) skin. south-east asian race.
for the fashion thingy, I like to wear shirts (preferably long-sleeved), blazers, skinny jeans, ties, canvas shoes, t-shirts, vests, sweaters, cardigan. I often to wear t-shirt + blazer + skinny jeans + canvas shoes or shirt + vest/blazer + skinny jeans + canvas shoes.
apparently there's not much good photos of mine so, I'll hand out this one. I was in kind of pajamas so... please.
I-I feel suddenly embarrassed and hate myself /facepalms → Misc.
Any problems with the questions? yes...
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? um no. but good luck for you all! :D
Anything else? please vote! /bows