Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
Name/Nickname: SK.
Age: 19.
Likes/Interests/Hobbies: Anime, manga, video games, cosplaying, taking pictures, roleplaying/LARP, music, drawing, board games, long coats, glasses, collecting figures and trading cards, being massaged, relaxing, hats, scarves, being complimented upon, my violin, cats, dragons, money, scaring people, my laptop, the internet, when plans go as planned, to poke fun at/tease/joke around with people, being sarcastic, puzzles.
Dislikes: Loud noises, crowds, insults towards me, idiots, bees, needles, talking on the phone to people I don't know, people thinking they know me in-and-out when they don't, public speaking/long strands of speech in general (I stumble over words), germs, aches, children/babies crying, rudeness, being incorrect or inaccurate, being accused of being incorrect or inaccurate, losing, morning people, being talked down on, people who can't have fun, people who don't take work/their job seriously.
Please describe your personality:
Strengths: Outwardly calm, good actor/can hide feelings well, skilled at light-hearted teasing amongst peers, intelligent, logical, inquisitive, good listener yet can be opinionated when need be, witty, very analytical, honest, surprisingly can be very expressive/animated when in the right mood, pretty good self-control, extremely loyal and protective of those close to me, good at making others laugh, imaginative, creative, sometimes sees details others don't, open-minded and curious.
Weaknesses: Inwardly emotional/mood-swingish, varying self-esteem, pessimistic and finds faults in others easily, worries a lot, somewhat quiet yet can be very talkative when the subject is right, blunt, awkward in personal/emotional situations and with people I don't know, distant, obsessive, has been called "mean" multiple times, caring yet doesn't always show it, dorky/nerdy, sometimes jokes around/teases at the wrong time, prideful, forgetful on things that I don't really care about, gets stuck in my mind a lot/spacey, selfish.
Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link): THIS OR THAT
Leader or Follower? This depends on the group of people I'm in...I've been both. But in all honesty, I'd rather just break off and do my own thing, and not have responsibilities from being either role.
Listener or Speaker? Listener, usually. But I speak when I need to.
Persistant or Weak-willed? I give up on things that don't matter to me, or aren't worth the effort. But I'm determined at things that are important to me.
Pessimistic or Optimistic? Mostly pessimistic.
Patient or Impatient? Patient...but it's hard.
Common Sense or Book Smart? A little of both.
Business or Pleasure? I'd choose pleasure over business anyday...but I know that business has to be attended to before pleasure (although it's difficult for me to prioritize in ACTION sometimes).
Who is your favorite character and why? Probably Gilbert...I tend to like the quieter, cooler, darker-appearing characters.
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? Probably Alice. She's cute, ♥ And her rabbit form is badass.
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? Who knows~...
Any suggestions you would like to add? Not really.
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? No.
Anything else? I'm an ISTP-ISTJ hybrid according to Myers-Briggs.
Would you like a anime stamp? or a manga stamp? Manga...or both if possible?