Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
Name/Nickname: Versk
Age: 18
Likes: nature | math | fancy text | cool colors | animals | animated blood and gore | rain | snow | fall | cloudy days | sleeping | Victorian-style anything | creepy stuff | technology(especially if it's shiny) | ketchup | robotics | foreign cultures | comedy | symbolism | black | angst | animation | order
Dislikes: bugs | arachnids | creepy crawlies in general | losing | waking up late | incorrect grammar/spelling/punctuation | idiocy | incorrect usage of words | Mary-Sues | re-colors | when people won't shut up about something | silence | neon pink | disorder | hate | talking ads
Interests/Hobbies: drawing | writing | anime | jigsaw puzzles | role-playing | roaming the interbutts | being lazy/procrastinating | listening to music | filling out things like this | dreaming | watching AMVs | psychology | spurting random French | animation | computer programming | building things
Please describe your personality: On the outside, or when one first meets me, I am somewhat shy and quiet. My approach to others is a strange combination of modesty and a craving for acknowledgement: I don't like praise yet I want to share my accomplishments. I tend to keep to myself, not wanting to bother others, upset them, annoy them, or make them mad. Anger is something I do not like to be the target of. At the same time, I cannot escape the warm feeling of being near another person. While I enjoy solitude, it feels good to talk to others and be in their company. I remain quiet, though, listening and waiting for a chance to jump into the conversation or add some comment. Said comment will likely be a joke or sarcastic in nature. I am very humorous, finding humor in just about anything. I share this laughter freely but otherwise retain some distance when around others who do not share some common interest. I am not that popular, but those I am allies with I hold dear. Note I do not use the word "friend." That is because I find "friend" to be a rather frivolous term nowadays and so bestow upon it a deeper meaning by using it rarely. Only a handful of people hold the place of friend in my mind, one of whom is my brother, whom I am very close with.
It is easy for me to understand another's opinion and see things from their side. Even if that view goes against the norm and/or opposes what I believe. This understanding, this comprehension of how others think, is what makes me rather kind. Able to view subjects from their perspective, we find common ground to walk on. This does not always happen, however. Sometimes there are people one simply cannot get along with. But rather than state aloud that dislike, I keep the words inside, and only through body language can the person know of my detest. If I can muster enough courage to talk to someone unfamiliar and whom I believe is in need of assistance, I shall offer it. Usually this aid is in the form of advise, which I shall gladly give. I am smart and value common sense, but require more than a mere gut feeling when it comes to arguments or opinions. To change my own opinion takes a very strong argument. You could call this being passionate or stubborn, whichever you prefer.
My views of the world shift from day to day as do my emotions. They can be like a desert storm, arriving suddenly, pouring down in heavy buckets, then dissipating without a trace, bringing forth new life in its wake. One second I am content, then something will set me off, resulting in a multitude of different reactions. But just as quickly as they come they can stop, albeit with a lingering haze that remains throughout the day. My emotions are most evident through my actions. Excited I dance and squeal, angry I fume and mutter, filled with ennui I sigh and recline. I am a person who will often exaggerate an expression to get my point across rather than say it aloud. Anger is my most vicious emotion. Often I keep this rage to myself, fearing peoples' reactions and allowing the annoyance to build and build until it bursts. And when I explode, I explode. And usually regret it afterward. This action, keeping thoughts inside, is also how I deal with most situations. I do not wish to make people think ill of me, to upset them, to be rude in any way. As a result I don't speak up when I should, like when I don't want to talk with someone or about a topic. I can't bring myself to risk injuring them.
My inner thoughts and how I convey myself are different. I may appear innocent on the outside, determined and kind, funny and friendly, shy and modest, but on the inside my mind is a rather dark place. I find joy in the torture of fictional characters, have a mind rotting deep, deep in the gutter, fantasize about telling people what I really think of them, enjoy giving sarcastic responses or comments, have begun feeling rather apathetic, can envy others to the point of loathing them for their skill or accomplishment, and always seem to prefer the "villains" or psychopaths of series, pleasuring in their "evil" deeds. Insanity interests me, whether that disorder be expressed in an evil laugh, psychotic smirk, or disconnected thought pattern. I could go on, but I don't feel like boring you with too many details about myself.
Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link):
My natural hair color is close to a dark brown, but I bleach it to blond. It is wavy and reaches down to the lower edge of my shoulder blades. I usually try to keep my hair down but....well...some days... I am tall (5' 7.5") and relatively slim but not athletic in build, and possess almond-shaped blue eyes set below dark eyebrows. Usual attire includes blue jeans, a long shirt, and, if cold enough, a hoodie (often black).
Leader or Follower? Follower. Given the chance, however, I can be the Leader. In truth, this is the role I always strive to take, but usually end up never taking, and fall into the Following position should the resident Leader prove competent.
Listener or Speaker? Both. As stated, I am a rather shy person if in unfamiliar or authoritative company. However, if near those I am comfortable with, such as family or those with similar interests, I can be much more affable, speaking and contributing to the conversation.
Persistent or Weak-willed? Persistent. I am stubborn and unless presented with a strong enough argument, shall not deter from my own opinion.
Pessimistic or Optimistic? Pessimistic. Or as I like to call it: realistic.
Patient or Impatient? Depends how much I want whatever I'm waiting for. I can usually find something to distract myself in the meantime.
Common Sense or Book Smart? This depends on the issue at hand. If presented with a test or something requiring exact facts or calculations, being book smart is not such a bad idea. But with regards to issues that just scream out "duh," common sense reigns supreme.
Business or Pleasure? It depends on the situation, really. But there are instances when both can coincide.
Who is your favorite character and why? I often favor the darker characters in series, both in nature and in character design. With Pandora Hearts, it is a tie between Gilbert and Vincent Nightray. Both appeal to me in regards to their looks, quirks, and personalities. Gilbert's loyalty, his intense intent to protect Oz, and his place as the object of everyone's verbal and sometimes physical abuse interest me. He is a cool character, appearance making him seem distant, cold, and serious. The emergence of his true personality made me smile upon first watching the anime. The fact he is afraid of cats, went through all he did just to reunite with Oz, and his mild neurosis draw me further to him. He is not that useless of a character despite what others say; he can defend himself and take charge, while at the same time displaying some vulnerability.
Vincent, however, I am currently drawn to the most as the series progresses and more is revealed. The "villains" or psychopaths of series often capture my interest, and so for both reasons Vincent appeals to me. But those are not the only reasons. His devotion to Gilbert is, in a way, admirable. He deeply cares for his brother and would do anything for him, even if Gil doesn't feel the same way. It is for this fact that I feel sad for him. Here is a guy who gave everything to save his brother, lost said brother, then finally reunited with him after several years only to find his memory all but lost. And instead of concentrating on Vincent, his own flesh and blood, Gilbert focused on Oz, who, at the time, might very well have been dead. And through all that, Vincent continues to smile, to love his brother. It's sad , admirable, and adorable. I have a strong relationship with my own brother, so I can easily relate to Vincent's adoration. I may not be as obsessive as him, but I still understand.
As for his neurosis (if it is okay to call his cutting-up of stuffed animals and other facts that may be considered spoilers, neurotic), I find it adorable. His smile, his I-know-something-you-don't-know air, his randomly falling asleep, his recent freak out-all are rather cute in my eyes. But I just can't seem to choose between the two. The fact they are related only further cements my love for both. They are like the Hitachiin twins-can't have one without the other.
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? Raven. Though more may be known about Raven than other chains, it still radiates this mysterious aura. That mystery is what interests me.
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? I would likely have no role in the actual story-line, seeing as I have no skills suitable enough to be of any real use. But, perhaps, I could get a desk job at Pandora. I like organizing things...
Any suggestions you would like to add? None.
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? None.
Anything else? I apologize if I did anything wrong...and for the lengthy explanations.
Would you like a anime stamp? or a manga stamp? Either is fine.