Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
Name/Nickname: Wing~!
Age: 17
Likes: er, well... I like a lot of things... I'll just list them off the top of my head: books, reading, writing, scarves, teddies (seeing Vincent rip apart all those teddies breaks my heart ;A;), music boxes fufufu, music itself, violin, piano, nice, calm days where I can go at my own pace~♪... etc etc... Probably forgetting something here...
Dislikes: Being rushed... having pressure on me, deadlines, insects, my indecisiveness, my really bad habits, my laziness, being unable to come up a reason for something so I brood/ponder for ages and ages...
Interests/Hobbies: Well, as I already said I like books c: And I play the violin and piano, I also dabble in writing a lot... I'm usually in my own world xD;;
Please describe your personality: asjdlkasjd I hate this question ;; I never know how to answer. Well, hummm... I'll describe what I'm first like to people: I'm usually really shy, to the point that I find it really hard and awkward to talk to people because orz I just freeze - however, once I get to know someone (but that does take a lot of time...), I feel more comfortable and I'm a lot more open and able to show that I'm probably some idiot deep down inside instead of the polite child everyone seems to think I am xD;;; Generally though, I'm usually in the background, and I'm rather content in being quiet... but I would like to have a bit more self-confidence. I'm also a very big worrier, to the point where even my teachers know. I'm also very lazy, I hate being rushed to do something, but when I say I'll do something, I'll do it... eventually. Also, I am very stubborn, being unable to budge on an opinion unless there's hard concrete evidence for me to believe I'm wrong. But still, if I'm wrong, I will admit I'm wrong, yes. I seem to notice my bad points more than my good points too orz... So, I can't really comment on those, other than I've been told I empathise well... tl;dr, orz sorry for waffling your eyes off...
Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link): I... don't have many pictures of myself, and orz, I'm too shy to show those because I'm probably pulling stupid faces or something xD; But uh, I'm rather tall for a Chinese girl, rather roly poly (as hard as it is to admit orz), I wear glasses and I have very long, thick, curly black hair that my mother always tells me to cut. I usually wear this down if I have to be somewhere, or up in a bun when I'm just lazing around at home so it's not in the way... As for clothes, I wear whatever's comfortable. I prefer my baggy shirts over my blouses.
Leader or Follower? orz... I try my best to lead, because I think that's best so I am sure all the mistakes made are my own full responsility, but I always end up following because I'm... not very full of confidence.
Listener or Speaker? I'm very quiet, so I prefer to listen to other people's problems and I get very happy when I know I've helped someone else overcome whatever problems they have had... When it comes to me speaking though... I find it... very hard to tell someone there's something wrong... I just don't like troubling people when they have their own troubles.
Persistant or Weak-willed? I'm very persistant when it comes to it, since I am stubborn and all - I don't like to lose when I have a chance or something like that... but sometimes, it just... orz fades away for some reason, and I just turn apathetic ;3;
Pessimistic or Optimistic? I think I'm optimistic, I try and see the good side to everything, but my friends say I'm pessimistic because although I think of the good things, I end up talking about the bad side to try and be a realist xD;
Patient or Impatient? I'm probably patient to a fault... to the point I'm too lazy to work up a fuss. I just like to wait things out, whatever happens, happens c:
Common Sense or Book Smart? I'd rather be book smart. I mean, there's just so much we can learn from books! Whether it be cultures or languages or just plain situations, there's just so much we can extract from different kinds of stories from different kinds of people that can build upon our own understanding of our own world. I mean, a story is not just a story, it almost always has a moral, something we can learn from - and therefore, we can probably develop our own common sense by learning more and more via the way of books. Failing that, books are always a good way to pass the time because you can always enter this other kind of world and learn, identify and empathise with the characters you can come to meet and love ♥♥♥ orz I'm sorry for waffling again...
Business or Pleasure? ...MIND IN GUTTER D| .///. ...If you mean pleasure as in happiness, I would rather have that orz. I'm probably too laid back for my own good (but deep down inside, I'm so stressed orz), but I'd like a peaceful, happy life, maybe in the countryside with lots of scenery and just the refreshing breeze to accompany me~♪ Of course, that's just a dream B| ;; Really though... I work a lot, to the point where people worry about me ;;, because I want to live such a relaxed life xD;;;
Who is your favorite character and why? jaskldjklsdja WITHOUT A DOUBT, OZ BEZARIUS. He's just amazing, I can't seem to describe him, but he is definitely very interesting. I think he is very inspirational, the way he wants to improve, the way he just wants to protect. I also admire his intelligence, and he's often a very quirky character. Also... his backstory, orz, it made me so teary... I almost cried reading it in the manga and during the anime of that scene, i-it was just... It must have been really painful for him, and yet he is able to smile. But... I'm interested in how and why. As Gil says, what would happen when that string of tension snaps? What would happen to Oz? orz I'm sorry, I'm waffling straight after managing to catch up all 20 chapters I was behind in @__@;;
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? Alice is the most prominent, so I see the most character development in her... Like Oz, I'm really interested in her character. Why does she want her memories so much? I also adore her simple minded-ness. I find it oddly refreshing xD;;
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? er... I really don't know... I would probably be someone's servant... I don't think I have the guts/confidence/authority to pull off being a Duke... I wouldn't mind being someone's servant though, as long as we become good friends~♪ As long as I don't have Vincent as my master ;3;
Any suggestions you would like to add? Um... I don't know... I think the comm's going along swimmingly... So, just keep up with the good work ♥!!
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? Um... Not really... I don't think I'm in a position to say which is right or not~! If you think they're okay, I'll have to agree c:
Anything else? orz I joined as soon as this was created, but I never got round to actually writing my app until now xD;; Sorry orz orz... Hmm also... I'm sorry for a lot of tl;dr sections ;; Walls of text, oh yes, that is my app orz...
Would you like a anime stamp or a manga stamp? Up to you! Of course, that's rather unhelpful an answer ;; But really, whatever you feel like...