The vast majority of fountain pens these days use cartridges of ink. Much less messy that way and they don't run out too much faster than ballpoints. You have to really look to find ones that still use the bladder and lever system and most of those are either really expensive or vintage/antiques. (I know, I want one and have looked.) But you can get half-decent cartridge pens at Michaels for about $9.
*nods* I inherited a ton of the lever kind (And an awesome little ink bottle that's spill-proof and eighty years old), but I've only ever seen the cartridge ones in stores. $10-30.
I have and use a fountain pen. It's a Waterman Phileas fountain pen, which normally lists for 60 bucks, but I tend to break and/or lose things, so I wait for them to go on sale places, and usually pick them up for closer to $40. Which is still more expensive than 28 cents per, but I find it worth it -- it really feels great to write with.
I consider them $40 worth of great, for if I'm going to be doing significant amount of writing. I don't consider them $100 worth of great, and certainly not whatever the hell THAT pen would have cost.
Dynamic Steve!
October 21 2010, 12:21:08 UTC
Steve, you're extraordinarily intelligent, enigmatic, dynamic, and systematic. So, what's the point of wasting time writing about a PEN that your MOTHER'S FRIEND wants to buy, when you could be doing more productive things like, oh, I dunno, finding work (i.e., a permanent full-time or even part-time position so that you're not a 33-year=old with no job, living with your mother, having a nearly maxed-out credit card, and a college drop out), volunteering for a charitable type of organization, or, hmmm, this thing called exercise? It seems like you'd rather complain about your physical, professional, and personal limitations than to get off your ass and actually do something PROACTIVE that would help yourself. Empower yourself, Steve. Take the necessary steps to enrich your life. The choice is yours. Make the right one, or continue another 33 years of suffering the consequences. Just sayin, hun.
Re: Dynamic Steve!pandoras_closetOctober 21 2010, 17:16:20 UTC
Why? Because its stupid, that's why. Because if you were really such a bastion of superiority, you'd be ignoring this journal and me instead of poring over it like a starving dog desperate for scraps looking for anything bad about you, or that you can take to Mom like a tattletale, or just plain use to poke me with in the hopes of watching me dance like a trained monkey
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