My tooth.

Sep 15, 2006 16:08

Yesterday I had the unfortunate event of going into hospital to have an impacted wisdom tooth out. They kept me waiting at least 45 minutes in the waiting room, but when I eventaully got into the surgery the consultant ( egyptian I think!) and 2 lady assistants were very nice. I had 3 injections to numb my tooth and jaw bone and I am glad to report ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hellion September 15 2006, 19:13:16 UTC
I am glad things went relatively smoothly! *hug* Hope you are pain free soon!


x_shadowfax_x September 15 2006, 20:05:13 UTC
Ouch! I'm glad that it went ok for you. Hope that it doesn't cause you too much pain.


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