Okay so after all that has been said about this book from good to bad to in-between and the fact that it seems as if it is supposed to provide lost weeks canon for the show, I was curious to see for myself how it really was. All I can say is... WOW. Now, obviously, I was not expecting some grandiose piece of literature that would last the test of time or anything but I did think it would at least provide 250 pages of semi-decent reading that echoed the actual voices of the characters who are supposedly narrating the book. I had heard all about the badly written sex scenes and whatnot but I didn't care too much about all that as long as the story made sense and the voices rang authentic. Well that was a mistake. After reading the first 50+ pages I am left wondering who are these characters and what show has this author been watching? This is especially true I think for the Naomi and Katie characterizations. And this is cannon possibly? Oh dear...
To be fair I realize that writing a book of this size given what was probably a very tight time line must be an incredibly difficult undertaking. (I know I could never even fathom attempting something like this) But the execution here is quite ridiculous. I now own a book with an 18+ warning on the cover that reads like it was written by a 13 year old who has only ever seen clips and not actually watched a full episode. I don't think I will be able to bring myself to read past page 52 at this point. Since this book appears so detached from the show than it won't matter once series 4 starts. If it does matter than I fear I might have to stop watching...