for 3x01/3x02 (Occupation/Precipice) are beneath the cut; I'll refrain from mentioning any spoilers beyond the premiere, so the spoilerphobes on my flist don't have to worry. :-D
Some of my favorite highlights & WTF? moments (not necessarily in order):
Leoben: "Kara, love meeeeeeee!"
Kara: "Sure thing, honeybunch...nice steak dinner."
Leoben: "Are those stainless steel chopsticks you're holding?"
Kara: *STABBY STAB STAB!* "I said MEDIUM rare, you psycho toaster!"
Laura: Dear Diary, it's been 134 days & life on New Craprica still sucks. Bill better get his ass here pronto, because I got a whole shitload of people who are working my nerves and no airlock...
Adama: "Lee, you're soft & a fatass!"
Dee: "Lee, you're soft & a fatass!"
Lee: "I'd tell you both to frak off, but I can't talk with my mouth full." *munchy munch munch*
Tyrol: "Blowing things up is cool!"
Anders: "Yeah, totally bro - totally cool!"
Duck: *BOOM!*
Tyrol/Anders: "Cylons 'splode? Very cool! Humans 'splode? Not so much."
Sharon: "I'm so glad we're BFF now, and that you trust me enough to make me Lt. again!"
Adama: "Yeah, I just hope you never find out about that whole hidden baby deal."
Sharon: "What did you say?"
Adama: "Um, I said maybe we'll have some more tea now, okay?"
Gaius: "We have to make a joint statement saying suicide bombing is wrong!"
Laura: "You're right. Unfortunately, the only real thing wrong with it is that we missed you."
Gaeta: "Word!"
Cylons: "We love humanity! We will love it and hug it and squeeeeze it and call it Fred."
Gaius: *gulps* "Did you say 'Fred' or 'dead'?"
Cylons: "Funny you should ask..."
Boomer: "Hi Cally..."
Cally: "Bite me, toaster bitch!"
Boomer: Um, yeah, I can see this little talk will go well...
Tyrol: "Felix, you're a traitor & you suck! I am so gonna kill you one day!"
Gaeta: If he only knew...
Tyrol: "Jammer, you're loyal & you rock! I am so gonna keep you as my bestest friend!"
Jammer: If he only knew...
Leoben: "Hey honey? Remember your missing ovary? Well I found it!"
Kacey: "Hi Mommy!"
Kara: "You've gotta be frakking kidding me... WAIT! Don't leave me alone with this kid!"
Kacey: *immediately falls down the stairs, gets concussion*
Leoben: "Oh Kara, you're going to make such a great mom!"
Saul: "Why don't you share my complete disregard for morality? Are you working for the Cylons?!"
Saul: "I'll take that as a 'no'."
Anders: "Dude, you just got pwned by the schoolteacher!"
Bill: "I'm going back to rescue everyone."
Lee: "Are you nucking futs? Who's leading the mission?"
Bill: "I'm sending Sharon the Cylon."
Saul/Tyrol/Anders: "HE'S SENDING WHO?!"
Bill: "Is there anyone besides me & Helo who trusts Sharon the Cylon?"
Galactica/Pegasus/New Caprica: *crickets chirping*
Laura: "Hi Tom! Where've you been?"
Zarek: "Jail - where else? You're looking lovely today, Laura."
Laura: "But I'm wearing these twisty plastic handcuffs."
Zarek: "That's what I mean...ME-OW!"
Laura: "Um, is that a Cylon firing squad in front of us?"
Zarek: "Yes; allow me to express my unspoken sexual attraction to you by getting shot first."
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