This ep. was quite a challenge to recap - more action than dialogue - so it took me a while. Well, that and the fact I had to watch it again...and again...and again... :-D
Previously on Battlestar Galactica: We flashback briefly to New Caprica where we are reminded that yes, people lived there, and yes, bad things happened so everyone had to leave. But why obsess over such trivial matters when we should instead obsess over something much more important - like the terminally frakked-up relationship between Kara Thrace and Lee Adama? After being treated to several instances of Starbuck Behaving Badly to lovesick Apollo, we are left to ponder the age-old question: so just what did Kara do during the missing year that was so horrible even Lee “Doormat” Adama won’t talk to her anymore?
ObnoxiouslyLoudAirHorn: *kicks off the episode*
GalacticaHangerDeck: *is now a sporting arena, complete with boxing ring*
Lee/Helo: *currently beating the crap out of each other*
GaetaTheBookie: *currently taking bets as to which one will crap out first*
Helo: *hits Lee so hard he travels back in time*
Lee: *flashes back to waking up very cold and very naked on New Caprica*
Lee: *blames Kara for the shrinkage factor, then mentally pastes her face on Helo & wails on him*
MaleGalacticaCrewmembers: *impressed with the slugfest*
FemaleGalacticaCrewmembers: *just impressed with hot, sweaty Lee & Helo*
Kara/Anders: *finish their hot monkey love session*
Kara: Well Sammy, I hate to frak and run, but I’m late for the Dance.
Anders: Actually honey, you love to frak and run - that’s your MO. But it doesn’t matter that you treat me like dirt; I still love you and want us to get back together. Whaddaya say? Do you think we could try being a real husband & wife for a change?
Kara: Meh; functional, loving relationships are over-rated. Besides, if there’s anything I like more than hot sex, it’s beating the crap out of people. Gotta go; don’t let the hatch hit you in the ass on the way out. KTHXBYE!
Anders: Dammit Kara, we’re not even five minutes into the episode yet and you’re a major bitch already.
Kara: The night is young.
Kara: *watches Fighting!Lee from the ringside*
BearMcCreary’sMusic: *so awesome, it causes spontaneous flashbacks*
Kara: *flashes back to waking up next to Nekkid!Lee and freaks out*
Kara: Hey Helo, do you mind if I lend my support while I watch you kick the CAG’s ass?
Helo: Sure thing. It’s weird, though; Lee’s acting like he has it in for me.
Kara: It can’t possibly have anything to do with you. In case you haven’t noticed, Lee’s entire existence revolves around me. Now I’m going to stand here and insult him while watching you kick his ass - because that’s how I express my undying love for a man.
Helo/Sharon: And people think our relationship is weird.
RingsideBell: *starts another round*
Lee: *continues to have his bell rung by Helo*
Cottle: *watches the fight & mock punches the air as he gets down with his bad self*
Lee: *flashes back again from a Helo-induced concussion*
Lee: *remembers The Morning After*
Lee/Kara: *make meaningful eye-contact*
Lee: *promptly loses the match, because meaningful contact with Kara Thrace is the kiss of death to any man*
Kara: *smiles* Oh poor baby, you lost the match! Too bad, so sad!
Lee: I’m finished fighting today. *pulls his dog tags out of the box*
Kara: *drops her dog tags into the box* Are you sure?
Lee: On second thought, you want a fight? You got it! *drops dog tags back into the box & walks away*
Kara: Damn, I hope the boxing match will be as easy as pushing Lee’s buttons.
SpaceTimeContinuum: *now reading 17 months in the past*
Flashback!Lee: Boy, New Caprica sure is a dump! I’d much rather spend my nights warm & safe onboard the Pegasus. That ship is my personal fortress of solitude.
Flashback!Dualla: Not so much anymore; I’m moving in with you.
Flashback!Lee: Oh…uh, that’s terrific, honey. Yes, uh, I’m very happy. So very happy.
Flashback!Kara: Are you two lovebirds gonna show up for that cheesy ground-breaking ceremony later on? Sam & I were thinking about ditching it.
Flashback!Dualla: They’re having an open bar.
Flashback!Kara: Well shit, in that case we’ll be there with bells on! Gotta do our civic duty after all, you know. I’m gonna go tell Saul & Ellen the good news.
Flashback!Anders: And I’m going to wear my good tank top to the party!
Flashback!Laura: *sashays over to Bill while wearing an uber-sexy red outfit*
Flashback!Bill: It’s good to see you, Laura.
Flashback!Laura: Thanks, Bill. *snuggles next to him*
Flashback!Bill: *gets a closer look at Laura’s stunning cleavage* I mean, really - you have no idea how good I feel seeing you in that getup. That’s the breast color on, I mean best color. I said 'best'!
Flashback!Laura: Uh huh. *flirts shamelessly*
Flashback!Bill: *enjoys every minute of it*
Flashback!Bill: So…
Flashback!Laura: So…
Flashback!Bill: Wanna get stoned & cuddle later on?
Flashback!Laura: I thought you’d never ask!
SpaceTimeContinuum: *back to present-day*
Laura: *finds Bill at the boxing match* There you are! Why didn't you tell me there was a fight going on? And more importantly, why didn't you invite me?
Bill: Don't be upset; this Fight Club is a private tradition. It allows people to vent their frustrations on each other in a controlled setting...without fear of assault charges. Besides, I didn't think a genteel woman like you would be interested.
Boxer#1: *delivers a KO punch*
Boxer#2: *falls on his face in a bloody heap right in front of Laura*
Laura: WOOHOO! I love a good fight - the bloodier, the better! KILLKILLKILL!
Bill: *amazed* Damn, woman, where have you been all my life?
HotDog: *challenges Starbuck to a fight*
Kara: *fights HotDog in her bare feet, because she's too badass for shoes*
Lee-mo: *watches the match & continues to pine for Kara*
Dualla, MassoTherapist: *watches Lee watching Kara*
Dualla, MassoTherapist: *wonders if anyone will catch her strangling her husband, since her hands are already conveniently around Lee's neck*
Kara: *visualizes Lee's face on HotDog & knocks him out cold*
Lee/Kara: *exchange Meaningful Angry Glance #2,873*
MeaningfulAngryGlance: *so badass, it rips a hole in the SpaceTimeContinuum for another flashback sequence*
Flashback!Gaius: And so, as I struggle to lift this tiny shovel of dirt for the groundbreaking ceremony, I hope you will all join me in ushering in a better tomorrow. I'd stand here and spout more cliched speeches, but even I'm just here for the open bar...and the weed. Is someone smoking a joint out there? Dammit, I know someone in this crowd lit up - I can frakkin' smell it! C'mon guys, I'm desperate! Won't somebody please hook a brother up?!**
Flashback!Tigh: *gets hammered with Flashback!Anders, Kara & Ellen*
Flashback!Ellen: *looks beautiful, loving and very alive*
PresentDay!Tigh: *starts feeling sad while remembering his wife*
BSGAudience: *also starts feeling sad...damn you, Ronald D. Moore!*
Flashback!Laura: *completely stoned* Gods, I thought Gaeta would never leave! Someone should really explain the 'three's-a-crowd' concept to him. *giggles & flirts*
Flashback!Bill: *takes a long drag of New Caprica's Finest* This is some good shit, Laura. Where did you find it?
Flashback!Laura: It grows in the mountains; I'm gonna scout out the biggest patch I can find and build my cabin right there. Maybe I'll give up teaching and run New Caprica's very first opium den...
Flashback!Bill: That's what I love about you, Laura - you're always planning for the future.
SpaceTimeContinuum: *slips back to present day after chilling out with some Fleet Wheet*
Adama: Chief, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be repairing Vipers or something?
Chief: I guess so, sir...but that's boring as hell. Besides, I've read through the entire episode and the Cylons aren't going to show up this week, so we'll be okay.
Adama: *hands Laura his glasses and steps into the ring*
Adama: Chief, get your fat, lazy ass up here!
GalacticaCrew: *goes wild with anticipation*
Laura/Cally: *not so much*
Chief: Don't worry, Cally - they don't call him an Old Man for nothing. He's totally not serious about any of this.
RingsideBell: *starts the match*
Adama: *hits the Chief*
Chief: *hits the floor*
Adama: Who's the Old Man now, bitch?
Adama'sFistO'Death: *so powerful, it jumpstarts flashbacks for everyone*
Chief: *flashes back to kissing Cally on New Caprica*
Tigh: *flashes back to kissing Ellen on New Caprica*
Kara: *flashes back to kissing Anders while oogling Lee on New Caprica*
Lee-mo: *flashes back to slo-mo dancing with Kara on New Caprica*
Flashback!Lee/Kara: *exchange Meaningful Glance #11,562*
Flashback!Laura/Adama: *have spent the entire day in reefer nirvana together*
Flashback!Laura: Is this really it, Bill? Is this how we're gonna spend all the rest of our days?
Flashback!Adama: You mean, getting high while snuggling & listening to the Titanic's Steerage Class band playing in the background? I can think of worse ways to spend my days.
Flashback!Laura: You're right; maybe we should just enjoy this.
Flashback!Adama: Believe me - I am. My enjoyment is bursting at the seams right now.
Flashback!Laura: So that's what I feel pressed up against my leg...
SpaceTimeContinuum: *wakes back up to the present day*
Adama: C'mon Chief! Soldier up and show me what you've got!
Chief: *gets pissed*
Adama/Chief: *start beating the crap out of each other*
GalacticaCrew: *cheers them on*
Laura/Cally: *not cheering; in fact, not liking this match at all*
Kara: WOOT - go Admiral! It's too bad you're not more like your dad, Lee. Hell, I think you're such a loser I could stand here and verbally emasculate you all day!
Lee: *thinking* Must. Control. Fists. Of. DEATH!
Dualla: *thinking* When my Cylon comrades finally destroy the human species, I will make sure Starbuck dies slowly...
SpaceTimeContinuum: *is goaded into flashback mode once again*
Flashback!Lee: So Kara, it looks like you drank your boyfriend under the table.
Flashback!Kara: So Lee, it looks like you sent your girlfriend packing.
Flashback!Lee: . . .
Flashback!Kara: . . .
Flashback!Lee: So, you wanna take this opportunity to frak each other's brains out while no one's watching?
Flashback!Kara: I thought you'd never ask!
SpaceTimeContinuum: *snaps back to present day*
Adama: *getting the bejesus beaten out of him by the Chief*
RingsideBell: *mercifully ends the round*
Cottle: You should quit now before you get killed.
Adama: I'm not quitting.
Laura: You're crazy! However, I'll support your suicide bid because I'm even crazier. The Chief is coming in wild; get him with a left hook.
Adama: Since when do you know so much about boxing?
Laura: Honey, they don't call me 'Stands With A Fist' for nothin'...
SpaceTimeContinuum: *snaps to the past again; gets whiplash*
Flashback!Adama: Chief, I've thought about your request; I'm giving you & Cally permission to move down here to New Caprica with my blessing. I hope you two have at least a dozen mini-Tyrols.
Flashback!Chief: WOOHOO! Did you hear that, Cally? Let's have as many kids as possible!
Flashback!Cally: Uh...yeah, I'll get back to you on that one, okay?
Flashback!Adama: Well congratulations anyway. Now if you'll excuse us, the former President & I have the munch-, er, have to find Lee's twinkie stash for breakfast...
SpaceTimeContinuum: *is gonna be so sore after getting tossed around this episode*
Adama: *gets beaten to a pulp by the Chief*
GalacticaCrew: *becomes very somber*
Adama: The Chief's pyrrhic victory gives me the perfect opportunity for a classic Adama speech - you know, the kind of speech that's both depressing yet inspiring at the same time. I let everyone get too close, and spoiled some of you kids somethin' fierce. It won't happen again, so let's all get back to business.
Laura: *pouts* Thanks, Admiral; you sure know how to kill the mood. I think I liked our flashback sequences much better.**
Tigh: Alright people, you heard the Old Man; this Dance is over
Kara: Aww, c'mon! It can't be over! I haven't danced with Lee-mo yet!
Tigh: Not enough excitement for one night, Captain? Yeah, yeah - it's all fun'n'games until someone puts an eye out. I should know...
Kara: What's the matter, Lee? You have the guts to frak me but not the guts to fight me? Huh? HUH?!?!
Lee: *punches Kara in the face*
Kara: Ouch. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Lee: Yes it does; now allow me to show you just how much...
Lee/Kara: *don their gloves & start The Main Event*
Dualla/Anders: *watch the fight*
Anders: They look like they're trying to kill each other.
Dualla: With any luck, they will; it'll put all four of us out of our misery.
SpaceTimeContinuum: *decides to drop some acid & flash back just for shits & giggles*
Flashback!Lee: So are you really gonna give up flying, marry Sam and become Kara the Desperate Housewife?
Flashback!Kara: Don't worry, Lee; I'll never, ever, ever get married. Ever.
Flashback!Lee/Kara: *start kissing*
Flashback!Lee/Kara: *start frakking*
SkyCam: *films the entire event in OrgasmoVision*
Flashback!Lee: WOOHOO, we finally did the deed! That was amazing! I'm so totally in love with you that I'm ready to ditch my current long-time girlfriend without a second thought and make a complete ass of myself by howling at the moon. After that, I'm gonna carve LA+KT on every single tree in the forest, because LEE ADAMA LOVES KARA THRACE!
Flashback!Kara: My gods, Lee, are you high or just as immature as I am when it comes to sex & romance?
Flashback!Lee: Just immature, I guess. Besides, I can't get high; my dad and Roslin refuse to share their stash with anyone.
PresentDay!Lee: *knocks Kara on her ass*
PresentDay!Kara: *kicks Lee's feet out from under him*
Flashback!Lee: *remembers a similar feeling when he woke up alone on New Caprica*
Flashback!Lee: Hey Dad, have you seen Kara?
Flashback!Adama: *having a severe attack of the munchies* Yeah, I just saw her get married - isn't that amazing? I'm so happy for her.
Flashback!Lee: *about to hurl*
Flashback!Anders: Hey there Lee! Isn't it so completely awesome that Kara and I just got married? Who'd of thought last night that we would be husband & wife?
Flashback!Lee: *glares at Flashback!Kara*
Flashback!Kara, DesperateHousewife: *grins sheepishly*
Flashback!Lee: Not me...
PresentDay!Lee/Kara: *continue to beat the ever-living crap out of each other*
BattlestarGalacticaTheSeries: *temporarily becomes the Lee-and-Kara Clip Show*
Dualla/Anders: *watch as their spouses hang all over each other in a public display of dysfunctional love*
Dualla/Anders: *realize simultaneously that their marriages are doomed*
Kara: *whispers to Lee* I missed you.
Lee: *whispers to Kara* I missed you too.
Lee/KaraShippers: *breathe a collective sigh of relief*
SpaceTimeContinuum: *after a wild night of partying and flashbacks, decides to call it quits by going to the nearest IHOP for a cup of very strong coffee...*
**special thanks to
prettypinkdork and
kimbari for the inspiration!
Thanks again to everyone who reads the recaps; your comments keep me happy & writing! =D