Stolen from
slashxmistress I know very little about some of the people on my friends list. Some people I know relatively well. But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself. Any old thing at all. Just so the next time I see your name I can say: "Ah, there's so and so...she likes office supplies." I'd love it
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Comments 11
I have way more WIP's than finished fics- and this includes two NANOWRIMO novels, and an epic novel of doom :P-Someday I will learn to finish things *G*
Hmm question - what's your desert island disc list?(ten cd's you'd want with you while stranded on a deserted island)
2. One compliment - You're very sweet.
3. One non-compliment - I don't have anything for this one
4. One love note, but it does not have to be for me - I think about you all the time, and according to Facebook, you keep getting better looking. I hope my comment on your status didn't put you off too much.
5. Lyrics to a song - "This is the hardest story/That I've ever told/No hope of love or glory/A happy ending's gone forevermore
6. How old you are - 26
7. How long we've been friends - I want to say around a year
8. And a hint to who you are - I once suggested the name of someone I knew who went to your school
9. After you do it for me, put it in your LJ and see who does it for you - Maybe ;)
2. you're cute
3. you're really selfish
4. i wish i could have you right now and give you a late birthday kiss
5. for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself
6. between twenty and thirty
7. lol i dont know
8. im someone on your friends list, duh.
9. uh how 'bout no.
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