I'm willing to bet that there's nothing offensive about you to "S," and that he just feels SUPER AWKWARD having someone else's girlfriend around. I've seen that kind of thing happen a lot.
Or maybe he's just a selfish asshole. Or... both. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it; you're probably the most non-offensive person I've ever met.
I don't know why S would feel awkward with me around when we are almost never in the same room. D: And his girlfriend lived with him and R for MONTHS before going back to Japan and she still visits frequently. Why is it OK for her to stay, but not me? ;_;
Maybe because I am a craaaaaaaazy loud American and don't fit in. orz
That's really strange about his roommate. I was always under the impression that the two of you got along okay.
Don't believe Ondore's Squeenix's lies! It may sound like it is a good game, but you really should know better by now. Remember the item vending machines that looked like jukeboxes? Remember the quests? Remember TWEWY?
I have the same problem with Dissidia... I don't know if it's even possible to NOT suck at it. Suck seems to be the default setting. /o\ I've got it on the easiest setting going supposedly the easiest path and I can't fricken get past Sephiroth. It makes me rage.
I thought his roommate and I got along, too. :\ Had laughs together. And he's dating my old Japanese class's teacher's assistant, who I also get along with. Him basically asking R to never let me stay over while he's home from now on was totally out of the blue. Makes me sadface. D
( ... )
Dissidia makes me sadface, too. I was doing really well in Zidane's path until I got stopped in the last world and his path is supposedly harder than Cloud's... but I also think Zidane is significantly more my style of fighter than Cloud. I actually quit Zidane's path and went to Cloud's instead thinking that it would help to go to an easier difficulty level... BUT NOT REALLY. Also, I've come very, very close to beating Sephiroth only to have him destroy my entire health bar with the 2HP he has. I don't understand. /o\
But Squeenix made me endure Cloud's STUPID STORY. They need to have a "I take pitty on you" game setting where if you lose to Sephiroth enough times, the game eventually feels sorry for you and decreases the difficulty level a little.
I think I'll do Zidane or Squall next~... I feel bad touching any hero from I~V because I honestly don't know beans about them. I guess this kind of guilt from players is helping Square sell more of those remakes. D:
I finally beat Sephiroth \o/ Somehow. Lots of frantic button smashing. I still have no idea how to fly around and feel like the game did a half-assed job of explaining it.
But I am all for a "pity mode" game setting. :\ Lose to Sephiroth 25 times and Sephiroth puts his sword down and offers the sobbing Cloud a massage and some hot cocoa to make him feel better.
Comments 6
Or maybe he's just a selfish asshole. Or... both. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it; you're probably the most non-offensive person I've ever met.
Good luck with everything!!
Maybe because I am a craaaaaaaazy loud American and don't fit in. orz
And thank you~
Don't believe Ondore's Squeenix's lies! It may sound like it is a good game, but you really should know better by now. Remember the item vending machines that looked like jukeboxes? Remember the quests? Remember TWEWY?
I have the same problem with Dissidia... I don't know if it's even possible to NOT suck at it. Suck seems to be the default setting. /o\ I've got it on the easiest setting going supposedly the easiest path and I can't fricken get past Sephiroth. It makes me rage.
Dissidia makes me sadface, too. I was doing really well in Zidane's path until I got stopped in the last world and his path is supposedly harder than Cloud's... but I also think Zidane is significantly more my style of fighter than Cloud. I actually quit Zidane's path and went to Cloud's instead thinking that it would help to go to an easier difficulty level... BUT NOT REALLY. Also, I've come very, very close to beating Sephiroth only to have him destroy my entire health bar with the 2HP he has. I don't understand. /o\
But Squeenix made me endure Cloud's STUPID STORY. They need to have a "I take pitty on you" game setting where if you lose to Sephiroth enough times, the game eventually feels sorry for you and decreases the difficulty level a little.
I finally beat Sephiroth \o/ Somehow. Lots of frantic button smashing. I still have no idea how to fly around and feel like the game did a half-assed job of explaining it.
But I am all for a "pity mode" game setting. :\ Lose to Sephiroth 25 times and Sephiroth puts his sword down and offers the sobbing Cloud a massage and some hot cocoa to make him feel better.
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