(no subject)

Apr 10, 2004 09:57

holy fuck , i just found this amazing paper some kid named Josh Gonesh wrote and It rocked so hard.

I lost the link to the paper,cuz my comp crashed,but i did manage to get the introduction.I gotta find the rest,seriously-amazing shit.

Preamble (within the gathering.)
I’m able to remember how pleased I felt moving out of our elderly filthy apartment building that was crammed with horrid memories that I can’t even recollect. See I’ve somehow detached any remembrance of my upbringing so that I could progress in my years. Things such as that have troubled my psyche since the early ages. It seems as though my days have been plagued with traumatic moments, one following another until my mind collapses and all is forgotten.
Doesn’t sound to awful, does it? I have to confess it does aid to a lot of rigid periods, but to be frank this isn’t what my composition is about. I’ve decided to write an essay on our miserable and timid youth.

Let’s get some Q and A, just to clear out various things that could hamper my paper.

“Why begin it with how awful you feel you’re life is?”
So that you can’t say how unaware and ignorant my subsequent ional premises will be. By the way, my life isn’t all that appalling. Just filled with ups and downs like any others. I just decided to write about it.

“What am I going to look forward to reading about?”
To summarize, it’ll inform you on how sociality has physically and psychologically abused our ill-fated youth. As well as how we’ve been fed fabrications amongst additional dishonesty for years but by no means appreciating our true freedom to knowledge

“Do you think you’re topics are original? Do you consider your self as some pioneer?”

For heaven sakes no, not at all. I’ve just decided to express my views and if you choose to benefit from or able to relate to my paper then that’s great, if not - that’s just as well. Just please keep an open mind.

As john R. Carter believed “to be ignorant is to be unaware of who you are and who you’ll befall in prospective.”
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