more Trier pics.
and off we go..
More roman buildings/ruins. This used to be public baths. 500AD or something. olllldddd.
Lots of tunnels at the baths ruins. There used to be heaps of cellars and serviceways and stuff under the ground so that the baths could be maintained. Huge firepits under the ground, to heat the water in the baths (so the poor little romans didnt freeze their toesies off in the cold water in winter) and obviously people had to be able to access the fires to put more fuel on and so on. so lots of tunnels. perfect for exploring. heeeee.
another tunnel. we wandered around in them heaps. amazing to think just how old they really are.
what you see when you walk in the doorway of the ruins. this once used to have a roof over it and used to be the hot water baths.
I could have wandered around in those tunnels all day. :)
yes I know. I take a lot of pictures of old churches. feel free to skip this lot.
A doorhandle. which I thought was cool. the fishy is better though.
a little hand carved on one of the pillars in the church. lol.
this window was nice. nicer from the inside though, cos it was stained glass. not old glass though, but fairly new cos the cathederal got bombed in ww2. glass was replaced. yay.
I am also a sucker for church achitecture.
Pretty windows from the inside. photo is shite and really doesnt do them justice.
a better picture of the outside of the cathederal.
another cruddy church picture which went blurry cos my camera hates the light. usual story. this is the altar end of the church. up behind the altar is a little room with what is supposedly a robe that Christ wore. ...holy relic or something. I really wonder whose mouldy old shirt it really is.
Looking down at the place from the little 'holy relic room'... again, architecture was incredible.
one of the many doorways into the cathederal. the doorway of the Cathederal in Strasbourg was a lot like this, cept waaaay bigger. no idea who these random people are. they were in the way, so i took the picture anyway.
oh. and i thought this was cool.
more roman stuff.
This used to be a big roman palace. still fully intact, is now used as a prodestant church.
what it looks like inside. ceiling was so damn high. not nearly as pretty as the catholic churches, but somehow nicer. not as fussy. building was very cool indeed. so old. 400/500AD or something.
and because I am annoying and a little Rasmus fangirl, here is a spunky picture of Lauri Ylönen.
*melts into big puddle*
the end. :D