I met Julian Casablancas last night!!!!!!!!
Now with pictures & video!
I don't look too terrible in my photo, but I dunno, I'm weird about photos.
Click to view
It's still being processed, but it should work. It's most of 4 Chords Of The Apocalypse. Enjoy!
Julian is like everything you'd expect him to be on stage. Such a rock star. To quote someone in the audience "He has mad swagger". But when you met him, he is such a sweetheart. He's so lovely and baby faced. He's cute. There were possibly 40-60 people waiting for him and although I didn't stay until he left completely. I think he had every intention in making sure everyone had something signed or a photo. He seemed upbeat and calm. Taking his time signing things. He has a really great signature. He was surrounded by fans in a tight circle. So he basically was constantly doing 360s.
I was trying so hard to be normal, but I was probably smiling a bit too much. And at times staring at him like he was the fucking holy grail. Other than that I think I was alright. I didn't talk too much to him. I asked a question to other fan about posters and he turned around and answered my question + bonus smile. My face --> :D There were still a ton of people waiting, so I didn't wanna take up too much of his time. There is nothing worse when there is a lot of people waiting for a autograph or something, and there's this one person who wants to have a hour long conversation with the artist. After I took my picture with him (I was half hugging him. :P), he went right to signing a poster. But I said 'thank you' and he stopped what he was doing and turned around and said 'you're welcome' + bonus smile. My face --> My face :D Lovely night. Lovely man.