Holiday 'Prompts'

Apr 12, 2008 18:34

emilyrose2005 was nice enough to post me a list of holidays (thankyou, sugar =]), so...lets see how many Frerard ideas I can come up with, eh? X) Probably not that many
Ideas/suggestions are appreciated, too, if you like. X)

For any holiday that has passed, I'll strike it out; for any holiday I write for, I'll bold it and strike it out. ;]
This also includes Frerard birthdays. =]

Valentine's Day, Easter and Gerard's birthday have been written so far.

1 April Fools
3 Don't Go to Work Unless It's Fun Day
4 Tell a Lie Day
7 No Housework Day
10 Golfer's Day
13 Blame Somebody Else Day
16 Stress Awareness Day
19 Car Free Day
20 Look Alike Day / Passover
22 Earth Day
25 Administrative Professionals Day / Arbor Day / ANZAC Day (Aus)
27 Tell A Story Day
28 Kiss Your Mate Day

1 May Day
2 Teacher's Day
4 National Day of Prayer
5 Cinco de Mayo
6 No Diet Day
6-12 Pet Week
13 Mothers Day
14-20 National Police Week
16-24 Bike to Work week
19 Malcolm X Day / Armed Forces Day
30 Memorial Day

1 Gay Pride Month
3 Repeat Day
4 Hug your Cat Day
5 World Environment Day
8 Best Friends Day
14 Flag Day
17 Father's Day
21 Litha/Summer Solstice
23 Midsummer Day
24 Fairy Day

1 Canada Day
4 Independence Day
7 Tanabata
11 World Population Day
14 Bastille Day

1 Lammas
1-7 Clown Week
5 Forgiveness Day / Friendship Day
14-20 Friendship Week
17 Chinese Valentine

2 Father's Day (Aus)
3 Labor Day
9 Grandparents Day
11 Patriot Day
12 Rosh Hashanah
13 Ramadan
15 Ganesh Chaturthi / Hispanic Heritage Month
16 Mexico Independence Day / Mayflower Day / Women's Friendship Day
21 International Day of Peace / World Gratitude Day / Yom Kippur
22 Oktoberfest
23 Fall Begins
24 Mabon
26 Sukkot
28 Native American Day
24 - 30 Deaf Awareness Week

1 World Vegetarian Day / China National Day
3 German Reunification
8 Columbus Day Cards / Canadian Thanksgiving
13 Eid-Ul_Fitr
16 Boss' Day
20 Sweetest Day
24 United Nations Day
27 Make A Difference Day
31 Halloween / Samhain

5 Guy Fawkes Day
9 Diwali
10 Sadie Hawkins Day
11 Veteran's Day / Remembrance Day
20 Universal Children's Day
21 World Hello Day
22 Thanksgiving

1 World AIDS Day
4 Hanukkah
10 Human Rights Day
12 Russia Independence Day / Pointsettia Day
13 Lucia
20 Id al'Adha
21 Yule
22 Winter Solstice
24 Christmas Eve
25 Christmas Day
26 Kwanzaa / Boxing Day
31 New Year's Eve
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