
Mar 04, 2006 19:08

i have just watched the first 4 episodes of this season today (thank you friend at work who gave me the first 13!). man i love this show. so much suspense! so many surprises at every turn. i'm totally hooked!

ps.... any tips on how to upload photos? i've tried inserting a url from photobucket, but it didn't work... :(

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Comments 3

inadequate March 5 2006, 01:22:11 UTC
If you uploaded them to photobucket, you insert the URL it gives you into this code:

[img src="http:www.photobucketlka.com/whatever.jpg"]

but change the brackets to < for [ and > for ]

THAT WAS PROBABLY SO CONFUSING :( but i promise it isn't as hard as i made it sound!


flashflashflash March 5 2006, 06:42:33 UTC
The Livejournal FAQ has got me through some difficult moments... It's pretty straightforward and explains things well - www.livejournal.com/support/faq.bml


panther_1912 March 6 2006, 11:51:37 UTC
cheers guys! yes, i should probably try reading some of the FAQ... guess i'm a bit lazy!!


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