May 10, 2004 13:12

I found the camera card from Harrisburg, but still no sighting of the beach pix. So here's some nice wholesome family fun, brought to you courtesy of my nephew's birthday.

That's Brandon on the right and Tanner on the left.

Because if I didn't take a picture of the cake, Brandon was going to crap his little pants

No, he's not flashing gang symbols. That's a Spiderman Hand Held Web Launcher he's wearing. Lucky bastard.

Brandon opening more gifts (spoiled much? Nooooooo....)

I was teaching Tanner to surf since he wanted to know where Aunt Buddy was going to be for the next week

A visit with my Nigel dog, stupid as ever

Lucy, who refused to let me take a picture of her (it was a bad tail day I guess)

And finally my sister holding her dog Linus. Yes, he is in fact secretly a floor mop, we just haven't told her yet

When I went to finally register for my summer classes, I was informed that due to a financial hold on my account, my entire university activities were frozen. This made absolutely no sense considering I specifically remember the dry anal raping I received at the beginning of the semester when I paid my tuition. When I went to the collections center in Thackeray I was told that since I technically should be graduating this year, I was obligated to take an exit interview for my student loans, and reapply for all of them after which my account would be unfrozen and I could once again return to that glorious status as a student. I went to the ground floor of Thackeray and an hour later as I printed out my final page for proof to the registrar, I left this little note for the financial officers to find later -

Kiss my ass.

What does this mean for me now? Well I've missed summer registration unless I want to make up for missing the first week of classes, which I'm not particularly fond of since one day of summer classes equals three days of normal classes. I have my entire summer free.


Holy crap. Someone hold me, I'm scared I might actually have some fun this year.

*EDIT - Okay, I f'd up uploading two of the pics. It's not getting fixed until tomorrow, I'm missing Passion's dammit!
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