Title: All Other Nights
Author: gchick
Rating: PG-13 (pants, tablecloth)
Pairing: John/Rodney
Notes: I made Elizabeth Jewish so I'd have an excuse for this story - I don't know of any canon for or against it. Many thanks to
corinna_5 for making it happen.
On this night, we recline. 334 words. )
Comments 19
...and it's starting to wonder about this pelijah they're holding an extra seat for. He's not in the personnel records, but ltformav9 notes that he gets his own glass of wine. Ancient protocol did not account for this situation.
Oh man, that's good stuff. Funny, but sweetly sad too.
(And it's strange, but writing this made me notice the poignancy in that whole ritual of setting a place out of sheer hope -- and then still believing it'll come around next time if we keep the stories going -- in a way that I haven't really thought of in ages.)
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