((For those of you who may or may not know, Al-mun, Lust-mun, and I were at MTAC over this last weekend and I must say that that was quite possibly the three greatest days I have ever had X3
For those of you who have not met Vic Mignogna, Caitlan Glass, and Travis Willingham; they are quite possibly the three nicest people you will ever meet. I think they signed autographs for nearly three hours on Saturday and they were just chatting up a storm with whoever they were signing for. They're panel was also extremely funny that morning and the game of dodgeball afterwards was also very cool (Vic throws hard, he nailed me twice).
One of the highlights, I have to say, was the Cosplay Sit-Out. This was a panel for those who either a) weren't cosplaying, or b) arrived late and the people wouldn't let you in to see it (which was our little group that night). The three people who put it on were just extremely funny with how they just went at the cosplayers outside. The panel really had no theme, they went on tangents a lot, but it was still very cool and very funny.
There was a rave, I didn't go to it though (dances aren't really my thing), I did meet these two people from North Carolina and we probably talked for about three or four hours. Al-mun showed up later and I hope I get to see those two again as they are quite awesome (plus I have to give points for one of them being Hughes, it made me happy XD).
Today was also pretty cool as after two days of looking, I finally found Steve Blum at the autograph table with Al and Lust-mun. From my conversation of about five minutes with him, he seemed really nice. I couldn't really make any of his panels though, considering one of them was for Naruto (*hack, wheeze, gag*) and the other one I know of was for a showing of Advent Children at 12:30 Saturday night which had people lining up at 10 for it in the lobby of the Embassy Suites. Quite frankly I'm just glad I got his autograph for both me and a friend of mine (plus I got a picture with him X3).
All in all, this definately qualifies as one of the BEST. WEEKENDS. EVER.
Oh, before I forget, you know that part in Ep. 13 of FMA where Mustang is with his posse and Black Hayate? That entire bit with "I LOVE DOGS!" was completely improved by Travis in the dub. I just find that interesting (not to mention funny XD).))