I dont even realize how so many people are like ahahahahahahaha Pot! OMG ITS THE WORLDS BEST THING EVER! I FUCKIN HATE IT!!!! (being very hypcritic right now) I mean yeah i smoke it every once and awhile but seriosuly why are so many people like obsessed with it? Is it really that amazing? please inform me if it is
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Hey ya'll Im not going anywhere! I worked everything out with my mom! It was hard but I had Dave and Kim to help me through it! Thanks to everybody to helped me realized to go home yesterday.
Im seriously so fed up with everything! I cant take all this bullshit anymore! Im fuckin out of here! My mom is like on my case about everything! Oh yeah and especially my "behavior" when i havent dont a fuckin thing wrong! But according to her everything I do is wrong! I can never do enough for her! and I can never do good enough for her
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We threw it all away again, and this time I've severed all my ties. We're cast-aways. The days are gone, and lost forever. Skull. And. Crossbones. Bad news is better when it's not about you, and this time it is
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~I sware Im giving up on everything~ ~ I have nothing left to give effort to~ ~everything I give a little something to ends up slapping me in the face~
Im sooooo mad! My mom wouldnt let me go to prom last night! I cried for like 4 hours!-but Cj made me feel better! also I found out that cj is leavign for Daytona next week for 5 months!
I know i wasnt at prom--I was ready to go and everything and as i was walking out the door--my phone rang and one of my friends was in the hospital so I had to go up there! Im sorry I really wanted to go