Title: Party of Four Author: kms726 Summary: Mary has good news for John, and she lets Dean be the messenger. Pre-series. Pairings: John/Mary Rating: PG Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine.
I really think that the YED always had his creepy yellow eyes on the Winchesters, waiting for his moment. I had originally planned just a fluffy story with a happy moment for the Winchesters, so it took me by surprise writing the ending I did! But it also seemed like something that would happen to them so I kept it.
I had so much fun getting to write the same happy Dean and John we see in the Pilot opening! Thanks for reading :)
Thank you! The YED appearance surprised me, but I decided it worked. Thanks for catching that mistake! I originally had "emulate" until I ran it through spell check on OP and it said it was wrong :/ will fix now :)
I know :( Looking back and figuring things out, John will be haunted by that day. But the YED was going to come for them no matter what. And if they'd worked it out, it might have turned out worse for Sam and Dean if both their parents had been killed by interrupting him. I do wonder what would've happened if Mary had told John the truth about what happened the night her parents died, how that would have changed things. I wonder if Mary had ANY idea the YED wanted Sam. Maybe she did the math and realized Sam was born exactly 10 years after she made the deal to bring John back. Six months later, Nov. 2, she'd probably dropped her guard again...oh, I wish we knew more about Mary...
That's an awesome nickname to have! Thanks for reading :)
Comments 8
I had so much fun getting to write the same happy Dean and John we see in the Pilot opening! Thanks for reading :)
Quick correction suggestion, though: I think you mean "emulate" instead of "emanate." lol
BTW, a weird fact -- his nickname was spelled "Evel" Knievel. Go figure.
That's an awesome nickname to have! Thanks for reading :)
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