I think I just found a blog post that explains why some people are so freaking awful in the parenting communities I read. It's worth a read, but this is what really jumped out at me:
These conversations all go south precisely BECAUSE we all care so deeply. No one wants to be told she's a bad mother, because deep down she feels like one sometimes
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Comments 8
I think that this is one of the ways in which being the youngest among my siblings (and so far apart in age) has really worked to my advantage. Most of my nieces and nephews are grown so I can see that formula didn't kill them. It didn't make them stupid (and if it did, well, I apologize to everybody who gets botched results from my nephew doing stem cell research). One of my sisters who has said she doesn't "do that attachment shit" (her words, as she watched our other sister walk around all day babywearing) has two of the most thoughtful boys young men I've ever met. Her oldest is the one who told me on my last visit, "I'm going to have dinner with my dad. Oh! Did you eat, auntie? Do you want me to bring back something for you?"
Gods, I'm so proud of those kids.
but I do think a lot less of the one person I discovered leaving a smugly superior comment in a breastfeeding community about how she felt sorry for all those poor babies who were being deprived of the best thing there is because their mothers were too worried about keeping their boobs perky.
Oh, I left that community way behind on the day I saw a bunch of mothers patting themselves on the back for, oh, I don't know, actually loving their kids or whatever. One woman commented about her friend going to a wedding without her baby and how sad that was since she obviously didn't care enough to be tethered to the kid. Cue a bunch of other people jumping in about how selfish she was, and how could a few hours of fun be worth the trauma and neglect of not breastfeeding blah blah blah ( ... )
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