It's tough living in a cage, when you know you're meant to be free. Especially when everyone else is voluntarily willing to live within it. You try to find like minds and people with open hearts, but even within the radical community, labels and concepts like who is " cool," and fashion exist. You can try to do things within your community to improve the world, but it's just taking care of the sick already produced and not really changing anything. The best thing to do is to live the best life you can, and be a living example. That's what I've decided but I'm still having a hard time. I feel like eating is a chore, as well as a lot of the other daily routines I need to go through for this limited existence. I am trying to start a group of like open minded people, but I have my doubts, because people are only willing to extend themselves so far, but I think I'll keep trying. If anything, know you're not alone.
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~Excess is temporary, Organic Love is forever.
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