Alias, Battestar Galactica, Criminal Minds, Harpers Island and The Moomins

Jul 31, 2009 23:30

It's been a while since I last posted, but summer isn't really "icon making season" lol, not for me at least, so summer sun and vacation has been the reason for the my little hiatus.

These are mostly icons I've made for challenge the past couple of months, haven't really been that inspired and wanted to wait until I had a batch worth posting before I made another entry. I tried my hand at some new tv shows/fandoms this time, so I hope you'll like these :)

I've also created an dreamwidth account and made a "paper_ducks" community over there too. I plan to post all the icons I've made here and post them at dreamwidth and I'll continue cross posting over there in the future, so if you have an dreamwidth account go subscribe to :D

[18] Alias (for alias_ichalleng and sydney_stills)
[24] Battlestar Galactica (for bsg_stillness)
[08] Criminal minds (for cmepic)
[20] Harper's Island
[05] The Moomin trolls (Moominwalley)
[Total: 75 icons]

x Please credit the community,paper_ducks when you take an icon:
x Comment when you take anything, it helps me figure out what people like and what I should make more of.
x Please don't edit/modify/add anything. If you want anything changed just ask and l'll happily do it for you.
x Please do not hotlink/direct link. If you don't know what hotlinking is read this.
x Please do NOT upload these to fanpop or other forums/massage boards, my icons are ONLY for livejournal and dreamwidth.
x Feel free to watch/friend to be updated on future posts.
x Feedback/nominations are highly appreciated and will put a big smile on my face.
x Resources and Awards



#1 won second place at sydney_stills
#3 won third place at sydney_stills
#4 won second place at alias_ichalleng
#6 won first place at alias_ichalleng
#7 won first place at sydney_stills
#9 won first place at sydney_stills
#10 won first place at sydney_stills
#13 won first place at alias_ichalleng
#16 won second place at alias_ichalleng






Battlestar Galactica:

#19 won first place at bsg_stillness
#22 won third place at bsg_stillness
#28 won second place at bsg_stillness
#31 won second place at bsg_stillness







Criminal minds:

#43 won first place at cmepic
#46 won third place at cmepic
#47 won second place at cmepic



Harper's Island:






The Moomin trolls:



Previous Post:
Criminal minds, Gilmore Girls, The Sarah Connor Chronicles:

Click here to see the rest

Next Post:
Felicity, Stock, Gilmore Girls and more....

type: icons, tv: alias, tv: harper's island, tv: moomins, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: criminal minds

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