1. im 5 foot 2
2. im a procrastinator
3. i have no common sence
4. i wear contacts. i have dorky glasses.
5. i have naturally dirty blonde hair
6. im allergic to smoke and an unknown substance that i had an allergic reaction to last thursday
7. i cant sing, although people seem to think i can.
8. i got a ticket to ride to the other side [J Train]
9. i have a box of letters from devotions under my bed. idea from car.
10. i hate round pizza
11. i hate thongs. my theory is ur supposed to take wedgies out not put them in
12. ive never sed a single curse word.. sux and crap dont count.
13. i have 6 first cousins and like a million 2nd cousins 154 to be exact
14. i have a lot of non-blood related cousins, 11 i think...
15. i dont like neone right now. its not fun
16. im scared of tampons [lol katie]
17. im deathly afraid of needles
18. im also afraid of spiders and mosquitos
19. i almost got killed in oklahoma
20. i had chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, candy, sugar, donut, and whipped cream pizza [not all on the same pizza]
21. i have over 20 old sns
22. im going to marry ashton kutcher
23. i have a pearle vision bag taped to my wall
24. i have a friend who died from cocaine
25. ive broken almost every bone in my body
26. im hungry
27. the first letter of the people in my family are A [me] B [Britt] C [Court] D [Donna<--mom] B [Bob]
28. everyone but my dad has a 3 in their bday in my family [4-3, 5-3, 6-30, 7-13]
29. my dad goes from a house full of girls to a work with 9 girls nd no guys
30. my dad is the outcast in my family
31. im letting my nails grow
32. i have no kitchen at the moment
33. i have a wanted aunt
34. i dont have a twin sister but it feels like it
35. i have blue etnies sneakers
36. there is a creek behind my house
37. my fav teacher is mr. mennecke
38. my nickname is snuggles, but every1 nos that
39. ive never brought lunch to school this yr
40. i dont eat pig
41. my straightener brand is ceramic tools
42. i have 2 mirrors [1 with a pic of ashton kutcher taped to it so i can see us together] on my desk for hair straighening purposes
43. i have mike piazzas autograph
44. a guy named bob lives in my basement
45. i babysit a baby named ryan <33 luv that kid [hes 2]
46. im wearing white sox
47. i collect taco sauce
48. i use arrid total silky dry gel deoderant... ultra fresh 24 hr protection
49. i hate fish
50. when im scared i say "sing a happy happy happy happy happy happy song" [rigrats]
51. blood makes my legs turn to jello
52. i have pink fuzzy slippers
53. im addicted to junk food
54. i once told alexas mom she has a big nose when i was in kindergarden
55. people sell drugs next to my locker
56. i got detention for trying to find a bathroom on my way to math from the nurse
57. i got detention in 6th grade for being late 4 extra help.... 3 days detention
58. i have a rock next to my computer
59. my computers name is matty
60. i keep on messing up these numbers bc i cant coount
61. i get hyper easily
62. i need braces
63. i had surgery on my leg
64. im getting my beauty mark taken off
65. nikko is mean to me
66. i like technical things like cameras
67. i wanna be a 1st grade teacher
68. i want a boyfriend
69. there is a streachy headband on my doorknob bc im too lazy to lean over to close the door
70. i used to have a doorbell to my room... but i punched it and broke it
71. im gonna heal people in my future [bill nortan sed that]
72. this gurl brianna hates me in school
73. i wax my eyebrows
74. i have long eyelashes naturally
75. i got my ears peirced when i was like 2 months old nd they never closed to this day. i hate earings.
76. people say i have big boobs which isnt tru hahaa
77. i like one hanson song
78. i went to nsync's last concert
79. i loved michael bolten
80. i have a black keyboard
81. there is a thermostat in my room
82. i won an art contest last yr nd my pic was made into xmas cards
83. i was a cow in my school play
84. i am a 7 1/2 shoe
85. i had a boyfriend in preschool
86. ive been to PE, CT, RI, MA, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, FL, OH, IL, IN, Missouri, OK and other states i cant remember
87. i go to THEGREENROOM uth group
88. i used to be allergic to popcorn
89. i have a $15.00 gift certificate to fye
90. i have a shih tzu
91. my nana lives in my house
92. i have a pool
93. ive never ran w/ scissors
94. mcdonalds is waiting for me downstairs
95. im taller than my mom
96. im taller than my nana
97. im 3 millimeters taller than courtney
98. courtney's name is written onmy desk in perminate marker
99. i have 2 glass dolls
100. i have bright green nails