its a terrible feeling when you give your trust and time 100% to people and than find out that they could effing care less and that all they do is treat you like dirt, behind your back no less.
So my friend got free tickets for the opera la boheme (i think its spelt) on thursday which is this wicked italain opera at the centenial and invited me! So i'm super stoked and seriously.. I am pretty sure that is the coolest thing anyone has ever invited me too. So.. for the record, my thursday is going to be flippin epic!
So I saw the brother grim tonight, and it was soooo effing good. I havent seen a good movie in a while and it was ridiculously awesome. I want to see it again, and its in the cheapies so who wants to go? soooo worth it.
I had an interview at cd plus on ness today!! It went so well and the manager told me that I had everything that they were looking for, so they are calling me on friday!! I'm so excited!! I really hope I get it! CHEAP CD'S!