*insert John Denver lyric here*

Jun 23, 2005 23:41

I'm leaving for the UK tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to be in Cambridge, England for UCSC's summer quarter abroad program for EAP until early September, and then I'm heading back home to St. Helena/SC for the rest of the summer. I wish I had had more time to come full circle with this summer and spend more time with my friends, family, etc. and ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

green_star7 June 24 2005, 12:25:14 UTC
oh mother, i'm so jealous/ excited for you. you are one lucky little girl; i wish i could go with you! that sucks big balls that we barely saw eachother, but i highly look forward to receiving letters from you about fine english chaps, preferably those who actually go to cambridge u, and your lovely adventures in the motherland.
i will miss you terribly. i love you, and we shall see eachother one day soon.


younglovedr June 24 2005, 20:27:09 UTC
Smoking trumpet!
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Be wonderful and English for me.
I will sit back in the US with Mal and the ratties and ramble on in my Penelope Cruz accent wishing each day when I wake up I will be Latin. :)
And yes, will be missing you.
<3 <3 <3
September! I can't wait to hear everything!
And I'm sending you mail! Yes!


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