Title: Wardrobe Malfunctions
shiroikazexPairing: Yabuhika
Genre: Crackfluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Hikaru's choice of airport fashion shocks Yabu (and fans).
Note: Inspired by
this! Apparently Hikaru showed up in Taiwan airport in a shirt that Yabu wore on a magazine shoot before. Eheh~
Yabu wakes groggily as his seat jumps a little. He hears the door of the minivan sliding shut and looks to his side, where Hikaru has settled into his seat beside Yabu's in the back row.
"Mornin'," he stifles a yawn.
"Shh, Dai-chan's asleep."
The minivan drives off. It takes Yabu a moment to shake off his sleepiness enough to run a check on Hikaru's outfit - knowing Hikaru, it would be a blessing if he didn't show up in his pajamas at the airport.
He gives Hikaru's outfit a quick scan and doesn't get past the shirt.
"Hold up--why are you wearing this?"
"Huh? This?" Hikaru pulls at the green t-shirt he has on. "It's fine isn't it?"
"It's mine," Yabu hisses. "Why are you wearing my shirt?"
"But I always do! It fits me better than it fits you! Besides you left it at my place ages ago--"
"For me to wear when I'm over! You can't just wear it out like that--"
Daiki mumbles something in the row in front of them. Something about blueberry muffins. Yabu drops his voice by a couple of decibals and continues to tell Hikaru off.
"What if someone recognizes it?"
Hikaru has the most amused smirk on his face.
"...You actually think someone would? No one pays that much attention!"
"The others may notice--"
"The entire group knows we're together--Geez, Kou, chill! No one's gonna notice."
"I'm telling you they would!"
Hikaru waves him off.
In their hotel room that night in Taiwan where BEST had gathered for some pre-concert chilling (with Inoo promptly getting a pre-concert high and belting out Elton John at the top of his lungs), Daiki snickers as he puts his iPad under Yabu's nose and proudly shows him the 8905 posts retweeted and reposted around various social media sites about him and Hikaru's couple clothes.
He even opens up a link to a few forums where smut fiction has already been written. ("Why are you on these sites?!" "My sister is a Chinen fan." "...Right.")
Yabu shoots Hikaru the angriest glare he can muster, without giving in to his embarrassment. Hikaru just grins and folds the shirt away neatly in his suitcase.