Title: Roses
Fandom: Bleach
Claim: Ishida Uryuu and Arisawa Tatsuki
Characters: Ishida Uryuu and Arisawa Tatsuki
Prompt: #96 - Marriage
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Author's Notes: R&R please. =)
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Bleach.
He came to her door that night, red roses in hand, straightening his suit and pushing up his glasses. She opened the door, wearing a blue gown she had never even thought of putting on before, ready to go.
"These are for you," he said, offering her the flowers, smiling.
"Arigato, Ishida-kun." She took them, placing them inside the house on a table.
"You look amazing, Tatsuki-chan." She smiled at his compliment.
"Let's go. They're probably waiting for us."
She took his hand in hers, and they made their way to Ichigo and Orihime's wedding.
"Will we be next?"