londonbeauty001 did a meme and I jumped on it because I just changed up a ton of my icons.
# Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
# Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
# Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
# This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo
*sad* Baby pegasus is so cute and someone you really do need a sad icon... though I use it mostly for sarcastic reasons I think.
Top Gear Trio I adore top gear because there's nothing that amuses me more than people talking about something they're passionate about even if I'm totally clueless. If doesn't hurt that they're brilliantly funny.
Gwen I actually don't hate Gwen. Sure sometimes she annoying and they have given her some awful plot bits or none at all. This particular one is from ep. 11 which was fantastic.
adorable Katee Sackhoff It's Katee Sackhoff aka: Starbuck of BSG (if you didn't know). I just think she was super cute here all soft and pretty not at all Starbuck like.
runaway bride All hail the comedic stylings of Tate & Tennant. I'm so looking forward to series 4 I had to celebrate it with iconage.
Spaced Tim Oh Tim he's so damn cute. I wish I could find a Tim because descaling the kettle is sexy.