
Aug 04, 2008 09:48

I'm in New York in a place called Dobbs Ferry with Dianna. We're staying with her family which is pretty cool. Real food, real conversations, kids who don't want to throw rocks at you... it's nice ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

rosie_posie77 August 4 2008, 14:03:32 UTC
Oh, how much I want to go to N.Y!!!


paperfidelity August 4 2008, 16:03:04 UTC
It's a big big city. I like it but I feel like you can never ever see it all.


this_gypsy August 4 2008, 14:36:38 UTC
Ew. Brids suck. I have no idea why anyone keeps them as pets.


paperfidelity August 4 2008, 16:04:06 UTC
and they're noisey.


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