this is what i was talking about. “There is a very common mind-set right now which holds that all that we’re going to need to do to avert the large-scale planetary catastrophes upon us is make slightly different shopping decisions,”
and that this is a sad fact that is likely to linger
because "consume less" just doesn't, well,
Comments 2
Sometimes I hate that environmentalism is so trendy. I hate that whenever I go to the grocery store I'm stuck with the eternal/internal battle of, "Should I actually pay __ more dollars for the green/organic/non-chain/whatever version of brand x, or am I being played b/c a manufacturer knows that it can get away with charging a premium for something that's not even all that different from brand x?"
Ugh. Shopping is so stressful.
and milk, if i drank milk.
and, well, biodegradable cleaning products and recycled toilet paper.
those are things i can see a concrete reason to purchase
when the alternative is obviously harmful for the animal that makes it, myself who eats it, or the environment i live in
but not, like, processed "organic no-refined-sugar brownie mix!!!" or "cruelty-free sustainably farmed mac n' cheese"
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