It especially bothered me how sexist it was. There would never be a law that prevented women from showing too much cleavage or something (not that I think there should be). And I mean, when I walk around in yoga pants, you can see the shape of my ass way better than you can with a boy's baggy boxers, but I would certainly never get arrested for that. But I guess people think men need to look more "respectable" or something. idiots.
That's pretty much exactly what a friend said when I was talking to her about it - but her idea was more that - mostly men make the laws, men like to look at tight pants on women/cleavage, so the cleavage stays. I agree for the most part, but I also think it's largely about discouraging hip hop culture.
that's disgusting about the sagging, esp because the indecency issue shouldn't be there unless the ass is ACTUALLY showing I would think. And if you look at women's low cut jeans, there's a lot more ass cleavage than on most sagging guys. (Not that I'm saying it's okay to make a law against personal clothing style... just that it's a ridiculous idea to consider that "indecent").
However, even MORE appalling is that PETA intends to make it's point that vegetarianism is the way to go in order to prevent global warming by DRIVING A FUCKING HUMMER TO DC!!! Umm... a little fucking bass ackwards if you ask me. For veggies who do actually try to save the fucking world on both fucking ends (food and driving), they look like ridiculous assholes, and they give us a bad name. Fuckers...
Comments 8
Btw, I really love your LJ icon!
(Thanks =)
However, even MORE appalling is that PETA intends to make it's point that vegetarianism is the way to go in order to prevent global warming by DRIVING A FUCKING HUMMER TO DC!!! Umm... a little fucking bass ackwards if you ask me. For veggies who do actually try to save the fucking world on both fucking ends (food and driving), they look like ridiculous assholes, and they give us a bad name. Fuckers...
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