(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 11:28

Played Spin the Bottle?: Yes, State Fair....
Toilet Paper-ed someone's house: Can't say I have
Played Poker with money: No, because I don't know how to play poker.
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:I think I usually use those bathing suit things.
Like someone but never told them: All the time.
Went camping: Kinda. In cabins... at Girl Scout camp.
Had a crush on your brother's friend: I don't think so, but my brothers friend sure liked me....
Walk in the rain without an umbrella: Who hasn't?
Told a joke that Nobody thought was funny: Yes, and then I am disappointed.
Been in a talent show: Nope. Done lights for a talent show, and stage crew.
started laughing at someone's bedtime: Yes?
worn something your mom didn't approve of: Probably at some point.
been to a nude beach: No, I don't know about that.
drank jack daniel's: I lived with Terry. Enough said.
cursed in a church: More than likely, I haven't been in a church in some time though.
been called a slut for kissing someone: I am sure I have.
burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener: Yes, always that dumb time.
wanted to be a police officer: When I wanted to do something retarded that cops do, yes.
dumped someone: Yes
been hit on by someone too old: I am a bartender.
wanted to be a model: Nope.
bought lottery tickets: Every week...
made out in a car: Yes. With Manda... well, not with Manda... her with her date and me with mine...
cried during a movie: Not balling, but yes.
wanted something you couldn't have: always
had sex on the beach: Nope... but I can make a mean sand in your shorts...
seen someone shoplift: like me?
hung up on someone: yes.
yelled at your pet: yes.
bought a thong when the cashier was a guy: "hahahahaha. oh meijer" - Nette. And I will add that I have done that when it was for Jon....
tried to strip when drunk: Close, very close
had a stalker: Only at RR.
been embarrassed by one of your family: Sure, my sister... and mom...
felt bad about eating meat: No.... mmmmm. cow magnets
protested: Nope.
been in love: Yes.
ate just because you were bored: Occasionally
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aw": Yes.
Screamed in a library: No, I am always quiet.
Made out with a stranger: Not so much.
Been Dumped: A few times.
Wished a part of you was different: Once in a while.
been asked out by a really hot guy: Yes.
laughed so hard you cried: All the time.
went up to a complete stranger and started talking: Everyday.
ever gotten sunburned: That is all I do.
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: Aaron Katz.
threw up in school: When I was little.
received an anonymous love letter: No :(
had to wear something you hated: Drill team?
watched a movie that made you miss your ex: Not anymore
been out of the country: Once...Canada doesn't count.
won at pool: Yes, I am awesome.
went to a party where you were the only sober one: Yes.
went on a diet: Ha... you are talking to the queen of unhealtyness
cheated on your bf: Not technically.
been cheated on: I suppose.
been attacked by seagulls: No.
been on a plane: yes
thrown a shoe at someone:yes
bought something way too expensive: Every once in a while
done something really stupid that you still laugh about: Yeah.
been walked in on when you were dressing: Yes.
been kicked out of the mall: Somerset
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one: I don't think so
done something stupid when you were drunk: Ha. Yes.
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone: No, not really.

CAN YOU???.....

Unwrap a star burst with your lounge: Yes
sing: yup
open your eyes underwater: Yes
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: I do all the time.
sing in front of a crowd: nope
whistle: yep
do thirty pull ups: i can do about 5.
walk in really high heels: I can now.
eat super spicy foods: nope.
skateboard: No. I have tried.
sleep with the lights on: I can.
mulititask: Bartender.
touch your nose with tongue: nope
fall asleep easily in the car: of course.
do the cotton eye joke: no, no i can't
surf: all those crazy oceans we have...
fit in your locker: I don't have a locker
do a split: Almost
taste the difference between Pepsi and coke: Yes, and they both taste like crap... Unless it is coke... with some capita...
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