Playing For Keeps

Aug 24, 2013 19:27

Title:Playing for Keeps
Author: rotrude
Artist: puckboum
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, minor Merlin/Mordred, Mordred/Kara, Kara/Elyan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 75,000
Warnings: /
Summary: Royal Philharmonic Conductor Arthur Pendragon thinks he has everything under control, until his solo violinist calls in sick the night of a major concert and he's cumbered with a last minute substitute. The substitute in question, Merlin Emrys, is everything Arthur believes a lead violin shouldn't be: argumentative, riotous, not properly awed by tradition. But he still catches Arthur's eye because he plays beautifully and has an endearing way about him that's not easily ignored. And Arthur does try to stick to that ignoring option hard.

Author's notes: So this is basically inspired by several romance novel blurbs but it gave me the chance to listen to some fine music. Yet as much fun as I had playing the suites on Youtube, this story would have never seen the light of day without adelagia's excellent and thorough beta, wanderlust48's coherence beta, ficcety's initial cheerleading, and the help of everyone who offered their support on paperpushers (even though I ended up posting a different story.) Also if you don't do anything else, please, consider checking puckboum's art because it's lovely, bright and wonderful. I was really honoured to have such a brilliant artist. A big shout out goes to the_muppet for making paperlegends possible.
Artist's notes: At artist's page!
Story link:Playing for Keeps
Art link: Artist's lj
Disclaimer:The characters don’t belong to me; they are the property of the BBC and Shine. No profit is being made.
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