Title: Shadows and Stone
hmsharmonyPairings/characters: Arthur/Gwen, hints of past-Gwen/OC and Merlin/OC; Elena, Elyan, Gaius, Godwyn, Gwaine, Lancelot, Leon, Morgana, Morgause, Percival, Uther, Vivian, OC's
Rating: PG
Word Count: 37,158
Warnings: Spoilers through the end of S3.
Summary: While Arthur and Gwen try to figure out where they stand, word reaches Camelot that Morgana seeks a powerful magic object to help her revive Morgause. The members of the Round Table must find it before she can, for a crushing fate awaits the kingdom if they fail.
Author's notes: HUGE thanks to cheerleader
ella_rose88, beta
maybelater__, and
desertrose9, and to
hmsharmony for the EPIC video!! And thanks, too, to
themuppet for taking on the gargantuan task of organizing all of this! More at the link.
Artist's notes: At the link.
Story link:
LJ |
AO3Art link:
at her journal Disclaimer: The show Merlin is property of its respective rights-holders, including the BBC, Shine, and Fremantle Media. We neither have nor claim affiliation with any official entity related to the show, and make no profit from this fan venture.