Title: Finding Albion
sugareeyPairings/characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival,Leon, Gauis, Uther, Hunith, Morgana, Other Original Characters
Rating: R to be safe, but it's really not that bad.
Word Count: ~50K
Warnings:Character Death. Highlight for Spoilers:(Uther, Merlin (temporary).) Violence, War, Magic, Betrayal,Possesion, Gwaine
Summary: Camelot is devastated in the aftermath of Morgana's reign, but danger is rising again, from within the castle and without. The Knights of the Round Table must face new challenges, Arthur is caught between his father and his kingdom, and Merlin might have to make the biggest sacrifice of all to ensure the destiny of the Once and Future King is fulfilled.
Author's notes: With Fic Masterpost
Artist's notes: With Art Masterpost
Story link:
Fic MasterpostArt link:
Art Masterpost Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to the BBC and Shine. I own nothing!