Title: Unbeautiful
Rating: PG
World: AU
Characters: Kristen, William Beckett
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 824
Summary Kristen is leaving the unit, but is it really that easy to say goodbye?
He eyed her carefully as she crossed the room towards him. To a casual observer she looked normal, slim perhaps, as the jean clad legs that emerged from under her baggy dress proved, but normal. He knew her too well to be fooled. He knew that under that top her jeans would be barely clinging to her hips despite a belt done up to its last notch. Knew that the bagginess of her dress probably hid visible ribs and other jutting bones. There were other, more visible signs too, collarbones that stuck out just a bit too much, hollow cheeks and thin, lifeless hair. He had seen pictures of her from before this and she had looked radiant. She had had a lovely figure, slim in the first place, with long, thick shiny hair. Every day she got better she looked more like the girl in the photo, every day she got better she looked better. Sad thing was that she still couldn’t see it.
“Hey William.” She smiled, stopping dead in front of him.
He smiled back, tipping his head in greeting and moving a stack of magazines so that the chair beside him was empty; a seat she gladly accepted.
“So… today’s the big day.”
His brown eyes lifted to search her hazel ones, watching as they flickered with excitement and, was that a hint of apprehension he saw? She had every right to be apprehensive of course, today was the day that she left the rehab clinic after eight long months of struggling. Realising he’d been staring he quickly swallowed his thoughts and replied with a slight smile playing around his lips.
“Yeah, you’re ready to be a ‘normal’ member of the public. Not that you’ve ever been ‘normal.” He teased.
She laughed nervously, giving him a gentle shove.
“Shut up William. It’s not like you’re Mr Joe Average yourself.” She grinned, pausing for a moment and chewing on her bottom lip nervously. “You know it’s been so long I think I’ve forgotten how to be normal.”
“You’ve only been here eight months!” He laughed. “Your memory can’t be that bad.”
“You know what I meant!” She reprimanded. “It’s been years since I even tried to be normal, what if I can’t do it? I mean, they keep telling me I’m recovered but I really don’t think I am. I don’t think any different, at least I don’t think that I do, and they only seem to be telling me I’m recovered because I’ve held at the lowest possible ‘healthy’ BMI for four weeks. What if when I get out there I fail and everything goes to pot? I don’t want to end up back here Will.”
“Oh come on Kris, you’ll be fine. You are amazing, you’ve already proven that.” Will beamed, grabbing her hand between two of his own. “Anyway, you’ll still be getting support out there won’t you? A therapist at least?”
She nodded slowly.
“Yeah I’ll have a therapist.” She admitted. “But I’ll only see the therapist once a week unless I call up to say that I’m struggling and you know I won’t do that. I never have.”
She paused for a moment, frozen dead still with her eyes to the floor. When she looked up again her hazel eyes were wet with tears.
“Oh Will! I just realised, what will I ever do without you? You’re always the one looking after me.”
Will looked away guiltily, apparently not expecting this outburst. She made to speak again but his warm voice cut through the silence interrupting her. He looked up again as he started speaking, gaze locking with hers.
“That’s the thing Kris; you won’t have to be without me.”
Kris looked at him confused so he continued.
“I’m leaving today too.”
“Wait, what? …. WHAT!” She grabbed the nearest magazine and hit him over the head with it, a couple of happy tears escaping her eyes. “When did you find out? And more importantly, why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Hey, hey. Less of the violence please! I am a fragile person, and you know you don’t want anything to happen to this face. I found out a couple of days ago. Apparently I’ve maintained this weight for long enough to allow me to leave. I guess it must be a healthy one for that to happen.” He admitted, smoothing down his long brown hair, a cheeky smile playing about his lips. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Well it definitely is a surprise.”
“So what do you say Kristen? Would you move in with me after we leave?” He asked, before hastily adding. “You know, just as friends. To keep an eye on each other while we’re still recovering and all.”
“Sure. Just friends.” She smiled before launching herself at him and hugging him tightly, her face a picture of pure joy. “Oh Will, you really are amazing.”
“So they tell me.”
Disclaimer: I don’t make any money off this writing and the characters all belong to themselves except Kristen who belong to me. It’s fiction and in no way am I saying that anything I write about has or will actually happen (with the exception of reference to true historical events of course).
Bascically I don’t own, I don’t make money, don’t sue.
Author’s Notes: I apologise if you suffer with an ED yourself and have had different experiences to this in treatment, but this is what I got from talking to people who have been in ED treatment.