Title: Weddings...oh god, weddings...
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff. Yea, seriously, ALL fluff. I'm scared too!
Summary: Weddings can make some people do crazy things. But not Jiyong. Oh no. That kind of stuff didn't affect him. Nope.
A/N: Just a fluffy little thing based off the pics of our boys at Choice37's wedding.
Weddings always did crazy things to people. It made Daesung smile in that bored polite way and silently long for Seunghyun to please, stop smirking like that. It made Seunghyun grin at his lover, firm in the knowledge that he was going to propose in the next two hours. It made Youngbae flirt with the not-so-gorgeous noonas after several hard drinks. It made Seungri light up at everything around him and in turn, it made Jiyong stare at him more than usual with an enthralled look on his face.
He hoped that no one noticed, but knew distinctly that they all did. Seungri of course, stood completely unaware of the torrent going on in his head.
To ravish or not?
Seungri’s twinkling laugh pulled his attention to the sheer joy on his face at the happiness of his friend and he knew his mind was made up.
Oh, yes, someone was getting molested tonight!
A photographer shushed them all and begged them to please just stand still for one more photo! He smiled and slid behind his beloved maknae. He knew the boy was focused on posing like the cool strong baby he had become, so he used the opportunity to snake his arms around him. Seungri didn’t even bat an eye at their close contact. Quickly, he placed his head on a broad shoulder and pushed his whole body flat against the maknae.
“I have a wedding present of my own for you later.”
The boy shivered pleasantly in his arms. How could such a small thing captivate him so much? The photo snapped and everyone broke formation to converse. Jiyong held his prize tightly in his arms and refused to let go.
“Hyung, people are going to notice.” His voice was quiet and but held it’s happy twinkle. He let go only long enough to face his beloved boy.
“I don’t care.” Seungri’s eyes widened in shock. “I want them all to know just how much I love you.”
And slowly, he took the silver ring from his right hand and switched it to his left ring finger. Seungri’s grin widened to blinding when he did the same on his hands. Jiyong glanced down at their joined hands. He thought over time he would have grown immune to the sheer beauty and brilliance the maknae created in his life. But, it had only increased with every passing day. When he’d slid the ring on Seungri’s finger the first time six months earlier he knew that he would never in his life make a better decision than asking the boy to be his friend.lover.husband for the rest of his life.
It had been so much harder than he thought to switch the ring to his left hand and Seungri’s to his thumb to avoid questions. Of course they both understood the reasons, but that didn’t make it any easier to hide their love for each other from the public.
Their matching wedding bands glinted in the light as they grinned at each other.
But somehow, standing in a wedding hall filled with people they knew and loved it seemed so right to
Seungri leaned over and kissed him hesitantly. Oh that would just not do. Swiftly he grabbed the boy behind the head and swung him around in his arms, movie style. Seungri flailed, but eventually gave in to the probing tongue and heat. Around them, people applauded and cheered, but they could only hear the beating of their hearts.
Finally beating as one.
“Hell, yea, get him Ji!”
Jiyong smirked and swung a dazed Seungri back to his feet.
“Oh, I will“