Title: Unwanted Affection 1/2 Rating: PG-13 Genre: Drama, Humor, and of course, angst Summary: Jiyong just never knew when to stop with the fanservice. He even went so far as to confess his love. Geez, inconvenient!
hahahaaaaa gahhh i love these kinds of fics that are light and the angst isnt scary serious and stuff. :] i havent read one like this in awhile since there's so much angst coming out these days
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I figured it was time for something light hearted after all my uber angst fics. Haha
I started this at a crack fic, but then realized I couldn't do it as much as i wanted to.
IKR? He must be pretty serious if he was chosen to be the leader. I think he probably takes things very much to heart and tries his best for BB. As much as I love Dork!Ji I think you're right. He's probably very mature. I don't think it's possible to grow up in the music industry without some kind of jaded cynicism.
Ok, that was too much. I meant to just say 'thanks for reading and sorry it took me so long to reply'. What is it about you that makes me talk so much?! Hahah
Comments 14
And I want to see this 'diva pose'.
“it’s no Kwon-body for you.”
I loooved this part. Seriously. xD
Or he should do one of Jiyong's butt poses.
part 2!!!!!
Thanks for reading!
I started this at a crack fic, but then realized I couldn't do it as much as i wanted to.
IKR? He must be pretty serious if he was chosen to be the leader. I think he probably takes things very much to heart and tries his best for BB. As much as I love Dork!Ji I think you're right. He's probably very mature. I don't think it's possible to grow up in the music industry without some kind of jaded cynicism.
Ok, that was too much. I meant to just say 'thanks for reading and sorry it took me so long to reply'. What is it about you that makes me talk so much?! Hahah
Thanks for reading though~
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