Title: The Fire of a Thousand Suns
Pairings: Zuko/Aang, Aang/Katara, Tenzin/Lin Bei Fong
Disclaimer: This story is based on the universe of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, their characters, and their situations, none of which I own.
Summary: In the seventy years between the end of the Hundred Year War and the Equalist Revolution,
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Comments 3
I anticipated that Zuko would react in such a way. I'm glad you didn't make him accept Aang immediately, it would have been unrealistic and unlike him. And it also makes for good angst! I am a sucker for angst ^o^
Look forward to reading more! I hope everything turns out okay in the end :)
Zuko values honor above all else, and Aang hurt him very deeply when he gave him a taste of what he wanted and then took it away from him. He will struggle to come to terms with Aang's offer and the fact that it has come so late in his life. But a second chance is still a chance, and Aang definitely won't let him go so easily. The next chapter is up, so enjoy!
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