Title: College Life
Genre: Smut+ Fluff+ Minor Angst
Rating: NC17(on some chapters)
Pairing(s): Yunjae/Yoosu/Bits of Kimin.
College is a new chapter in life for many. It is a start where you meet your education and your friends. But is there a chance to meet the one you would want forever? Kim Jaejoong has worked hard all his life to be accepted
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Comments 7
-ehs.. I'm hungry lawls O-o-
And O-O long A/N ;O
Have fun on your vacation toos :P
A stalker D:<
I wonder waht JJ's brand is too, Susu :3...
At least something for me to read first (:
is okay. wait for you both to come back!
I'll read it...wait, Hai, just text/IM it to me. I have enough minutes. Can't read tonight cause I'm trying out for talent show. WOOHOO, more chances to introduce people to DBSK~ -happy happy-
Or wait, maybe you could email it and I'll read it on someone's Iphone... nah, text it. As soon as you get on, send it all to me. ALL of it. Afterwards, send a text that tells me you're done. Thank ya~
Wish me luck at the talent show, guys. I'll be Fighting!
(Change of plan, Hai, First send me a confirmation text to tell me you're about to send it. That way I can log in on my cell if I haven't already.
Bai bai~ /end Dashuu-sized comment.
waaaa i hope u'll update soon!!!!
who's that guy?!?
can't wait for the next chappie!
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