Same disclaimer as before: I'm mostly transcribing anything relevant to Seth (or barring that, to castmates), but I'll be happy to give people extra info if asked. ♥
AX: Abel Nightroad (Crusnik), Cardinal Caterina Sforza (Iron Lady), Leon Garcia de Asturias (Dandelion), Tres Iqus (Gunslinger), Kate Scott, Hugue de Watteau (Sword Dancer), Vaclav Havel (Know Faith), William Walter Wordsworth (Professor), Prince/Cardinal Antonio de Borgia y Borgia, Pope Alessandro XVIII
INQUISITION: Brother Philippo, Sister Paula (Lady of Death), Cardinal Francesco di Medici
ROSENKREUZ ORDEN/NEUE VATICAN: Archbishop Alfonso d'Este, Isaak von Kampfer (Panzer Magier/Wizard of Machines), Dietrich von Lohengrin (Marionettenspieler/Puppeteer)
p. 10: “Are you dead, Abel?” asked Antonio. “If you’re going to die, please tell me so, because I’ll surrender if my bullet shield is dead.”
“Oooh, God, lately my life has too few blessings. S-somehow, I’m alive. Are you all right, prince?” asked Abel.
“Yeah, barely, but…” replied Antonio, who uncannily didn’t bear a scratch on his carefree face. “My hairstyle is completely ruined! After all, hair is a man’s life, right?”
“Please worry about your real life right now!”
p. 11: On the high ceiling in Castle Sant’Angelo’s Iblis Room, there was a painting of a beautiful queen ascending to heaven, saving a desert city from the evil clutches of vampires. Her breathtaking features, which concealed her high spirits and happiness, somewhat resembled those of Minister of Foreign Affairs Cardinal Caterina Sforza.
p. 14: “You needn’t worry,” Caterina said with a thin smile and a knowing glimmer in her eye. “I sent the highest talent in the Vatican to Cologne. He’s a man who has the know-how to anticipate any kind of situation, the ability to adapt to all kinds of environments, and a tough spiritual strength that doesn’t waver under the pressure of any crisis. I’m sure he’ll meet my expectations-and pull it all off without raising an eyebrow.”
p. 15-17: “Oh, God-with this mountain of dangerous crises, my life is like a flame before the wind,” Abel moaned.
At five hundred feet high, the dome was the largest building in Cologne. The two black steeples that were said to have required six hundred years to complete cast shadows on the black line of the river’s surface. Gazing up at the two moons that shone between them,
Abel begged for mercy, drawing letters in his tears on the counter. “I’ve had enough already-so now, please save me immediately,” begged Abel.
“You really aren’t cool, are you, Abel?” replied Antonio.
“I nominated you because I heard you were the ‘highest talent in the Vatican,’ but I’d imagined someone more stylish-a dandy. I was sure you’d ruthlessly beat the bad guys, toss back your hair, and declare ‘mission accomplished’ in a cool way. However,”-the young man-Antonio Borgia, the son of the Prince of Valencia-emptied his third glass as he glanced sideways at the priest drawing letters next to him-“you really aren’t cool, are you?”
“Sorry for not being cool,” Abel responded timidly as he tugged at his overly long shirt cuff. Abel’s new summer cassock was full of holes, and because he’d fallen in the gutter while running away, he’d discarded it amid a fit of sobbing. He was now wearing clothes borrowed from Antonio. A bodyguard who borrowed clothes from the object of his protection…maybe he really wasn’t cool.
p. 18: "I tend to get seasick. Neither boats nor trains are good--my semicircular canals are weak."
Abel stood there, silent. Right now, no doubt, I'm smiling the way my boss does when she's angry--like a mass murderer looking for my next victim. As he brutally stabbed a sausage with his fork, Abel smiled. "So?"
"If we're going to move, can't we go by airplane or airship? When I traveled to visit my family before, I chartered a limited sleeper express; curiously, that time I didn't get sick," Antonio stated.
Holding his cheeks next to Antonio, who continued to indulge in pleasant memories, the priest groaned. "Ohhh, God, I feel terribly sick. I can't meet that kind of expense by squeezing out my lifeblood! I will absolutely have you get on a boat here, regardless of whether you puke up your internal organs!"
p. 20: “Isn’t this some mistake?” Oh God, please forgive me for telling a lie, he thought […] “Look, there are tall, silver-haired priests with glasses everywhere.”
“You know a lot, don’t you, Father?” asked the detective. “The priest was wearing glasses.”
p. 46: “By treating the corpses with electricity, they seem to have developed battle machines. I’ve read papers on the plans and the theory behind it. They’re called Auto Jaegers. However, I didn’t think anybody would actually build them.”
p. 94: "If I fired the missile at Rome, it would be shot down en route. I'll shoot it at the Empire--into that nest of monsters."
"A-at the Empire?" said Alessandro as his face rapidly blanched.
The new Human Empire founded by Methuselah, was the largest nation on Earth. It possessed numerous lost technologies that contributed to an overall strength said to exceed that of the Vatican. Was Alessandro's uncle saying that he'd shoot a missile at the Empire? Even a baby knew that the vampires wouldn't take a unilateral attack from human society quietly.
"I-i-if you do that...w-war..." stammered Alessandro.
"Yes, there will be a war. Moreover, that bomb's warhead was exhumed and restored in absolute secrecy--it's very special. The vampires absolutely won't take it quietly."
p. 124-126: "Abel, do you believe in God?" asked Havel.
"Huh?" Abel replied. His eyes narrowed in response to that straightforward question. "Well, because I'm a priest...although everybody calls me 'Father Useless' general, as far as God...Yes, somehow, I do believe."
"Seventeen and a half pounds of calcium cyanide and its vaporizer have been loaded onto that warhead. By simple calculation, that's the right amount to instantly kill half a million people. It's more than enough to annihilate the soldiers who've invaded."
"Calcium cyan...what?"
Calium cyanide was a poisonous crystal commonly called potassium cyanide. It was plenty dangerous on its own, but when mixed with the acid that filled the warhead, it chemically charged into volatile hydrogen cyanide and became a toxic gas.
"Did you know hydrogen cyanide gas is effective against vampires? Cardinal Medici intends to fire it into the Empire during the next crusade."
"P-poison gas...into the Empire?" Abel asked, astonished.
The Vatican had tried the exhumation and restoration of ancient poisonous gas and biological weapons many times, but it hadn't achieved any results. On top of the gas and weapons being difficult to handle, they hardly had any effect on vampires, whose bodies neutralized nerve agent gases like sarin and tabun. Hydrogen cyanide was a rare exception, however [...] it seemed to be connected to what vampires called 'bacillus,' which made the blood-borne symbiotic germ contain too much oxygen. Because cyanide compounds essentially were poisons, they damaged the oxygen supply to the bacillus. It had been confirmed that vampires who inhaled cyanide gas could be killed as easily as humans.
p. 149-150: "AX Agent Abel Nightroad. Code name: Crusnik," Paula said, peering coldly down at the priest writhing on the stone floor, vomiting blood. "Six feet tall. Weight: one hundred forty three pounds. Age: unknown. Place of birth: unknown. Battle strength: assessment B-; however, battle strength assessment in the battle mode called Crusnik: A++."
"I've collected data on all you agents, and naturally, I've also analyzed your weak points. Father Nightroad, if you can't transform into Crusnik, you're worthless."
p. 152: Painfully but decisively, Abel continued, "I know, because I used to be like that, too. I viewed the world with despair and mocked the ideals of those I loved. Actually, I hated them--but when I think about it now, I was a beaten dog who was afraid of fighting reality. I was a pathetic beaten dog who mocked everything. I was exactly like you are now."
Tres vs. Hugue! Occurs right before Silent Noise; the last scene is the morning after Barcelona is destroyed and Sister Noelle is killed.
“I will divest Hugue de Watteau of his priesthood today. He…” Her voice was sweet, but her eyes flashed with the strength of steel. The Iron Woman softly but decisively announced to the frightened nun, “I’m cutting him loose.”
Antonio de Borgia y Borgia:
Hidden by a nonchalant gentleman’s face,
A trickster’s thoughts, a schemer’s ingenuity.
His ambitions know no bounds,
Like a steeple thrusting towards heaven!
Vaclav Havel:
I know faith.
Therefore, I must embrace the crown of thorns.
I seek the truth.
Therefore, I must dare to disobey God…
Sister Paula:
I am the guardian of rules.
Brandishing the sword of divine punishment.
I must destroy heretics.
Kill men. Kill women.
Kill children. Kill babies.
Cattle and goats and camels and donkeys.
Kill, kill, kill.
Pope Alessandro XVIII:
Everyone says…
This person is a powerless Pope.
Fettered to the throne,
He is an awkward puppet.
But even if power treats him like a toy,
As long as he has determination, light will
visit sometime…