Leather Studded Kiss

Sep 06, 2010 10:43

Title: Leather Studded Kiss
Author: paracaerouvoar
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, mentions of past Dean/Sam
Summary: written for spn_las, the prompt was Bad Romance, by Lady Gaga.
Warning: Use of Lady Gaga lyrics, wincest (yeah, I succumbed. Sue me.), heavy duty angst (I do love emotional angel!whump)

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and all your lover's revenge
You and me could write a bad romance


Dean’s hell-bent on revenge. It seeps through into everything, bleeding through the cracks between his life with his brother, and his life now. Everything he does is tinted with the angry red of vengeance.

Castiel knew this years ago, when Sam first left. That was the first night he and Dean fucked. Because as dirty as the word sounds, rolling around Castiel’s mouth and sliding off his tongue, that’s what Dean does. Rough, sharp movements, almost like animals rutting against each other for release. And if Sam’s name was on Dean’s lips as he climaxed, neither of them paid it any attention. And if Dean snarls while he fists his hands in Castiel’s hair, used to longer, lighter locks, well then Castiel just closes his eyes and pretends he didn’t see the disappointment flashing by, hidden in jade eyes.

See, Castiel knows Dean loved Sam like he wants Dean to love him, and hopes maybe one day he will, but he knows that Dean loves him in his own, fucked up kind of way, and that’s OK with Castiel, because he wants any part of Dean, even the revenge driven part. Because even the worst kind of love story is still a love story.

pairing: dean/castiel, fic, fandom: supernatural

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