So, I signed up to do art for the RPF big bang, and I was lucky enough to snag two amazing stories. The first one, Les Mots Justes (Les Marques Permanentes) is by
blcwriter and
sangueuk, and it's absolutely unbelievable. I had so much fun making art for it!
Title: Les Mots Justes (Les Marques Permanentes)
blcwriter and
paracaerouvoarSummary: Words and memories leave marks as deep as rings, tanlines, stupid hats and tattoos. It's those moments of pain and pleasure that add up in a love affair-- or whatever you call it-- until it's too much to bear, one way or the other. But some marks can't be erased, and some words, said or unsaid, can't be taken back once the moment is past. What happens as Chris and Karl go from friends to lovers, then nothing-- is their summation of moments all done, or does it add up to something-- come out as words-- worth holding on to?
Rating: G. Perfectly safe. And clean.
Note: Theres a typo on one of the art pieces, and I apologise for that. I'll fix it when I can! Fixed!
That's probably my favourite one. By the way. Even though it probably took the longest.
Not a huge fan of this. Something just looks off about it. IDK. The text on it says: Chris, all I know is I want you, want to be mates, fuck, just want to be with you and do everything with you. I know I should back off now, this was my last ditch attempt at wowing you with my famed command of the English language and with…you know, with books. I know you aren’t six, Chris, but you know, there’s as much in these few words as there is in one of those bloody great door-stops you’re so fond of. Maybe, there just aren’t the right words and I’ll just have to keep trying to show you...
Aaaaand icons:
I know, I know, I suck at icons. That's why I only made a few.
All I gotta say now is thanks to my authors for giving me such an amazing fic! I'll be posting again this time next week with