Title: This Ain't A Song For The Broken Hearted (It's Just My Life)
milenaaType: Slash
Word Count: 15, 208
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, Arthur/OMC (brief)
Warnings Violence, sexual content, strong language, angst, minor OC character death, spoilers for the movie (although, if you’re reading this before you see the movie, then you’re silly. Go see the movie.)
Summary:: It’s been five years since Dublin. Enough time to begin and end a relationship, snapshot moments stretching out into half a decade, and Arthur sits in a bar and thinks of Eames. Eames and everything that could have been and that was, and Arthur wants to regret, wants to remember how not to love, but there’s a pub in Ireland that just won’t let him. It’s been five years since Dublin, and Arthur can’t seem to let go...
Chapter One|
Chapter Two|
Chapter Three|
Chapter Four|