But He Doesn't Know Who I Am (Art)

Feb 08, 2011 18:40

Now that my fic for inception_bang is done, I managed to throw myself into making art for the fabulous But He Doesn't Know Who I Am by kellifer_fic.

Title: But He Doesn't Know Who I Am
Author: kellifer_fic
Artist: paracaerouvoar
Summary: In a world where magic is common place, there are still people who feel like they don't fit in when they go to college. Arthur has always been the odd one out but meeting Eames turns his world upside down, and maybe he prefers it that way.
Rating: G. Completely safe for work and young children. Although I doubt there are young children here.

The manip of Arthur in that would be what is referred to as a labour of love, I believe. (I seem to have a lot of them)

Link to fic coming soon!

art, fandom: inception, pairing: arthur/eames

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