Five Acts Meme

May 10, 2011 22:01

So, I'm sure you've heard about it by now from your flist, so I'll give you the shortened version.

Five Acts is where you pick your five favourite kinks/tropes/whatever, then list your fandoms/pairings and link your post to the master post of Five Acts, which you can find here

Wall sex. It makes me go hhhhngh. In a good way.
Angst. (Shut up, it's totally a kink.)
UST. Once again, totally a kink. It makes me the good kind of sad. It also makes me need a hug.
AU. All my kinks are looking decidedly un-kink-like. Ah well.
Tattoos. Because they're pretty ^^

Five "kinks", only one contains actual sex. Awesome, Para. Awesome.

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. You'll need to be. In all honesty, I'll read pretty much any pairing under the sun, so next to each fandom I'll just put any pairings I'm dead against. Kay?

Supernatural Sam/Ruby, paternal Wincest (John/Dean, John/Sam).
Supernatural RPF Anything as long as it's AU. "Canon" RPF is a little weird pour moi.
Inception Cobb/Ariadne, Yusuf/Eames, Fischer/Saito.
Buffy Giles/Buffy(or Willow, or Xander), Buffy/Spike, not too keen on Buffy/Angel.
Hawaii Five-O Chin/Kono
FireflyJayne/Simon, Jayne/River, River/Simon, Mal/River
Star Trek: 2009 Kirk/Spock
Life On Mars I'll read anything.
Doctor Who River/anyone, Amy/11.
Harry PotterSnape/anyone but Lily.
Heroes Petrellicest (peter/nathan)

Also, I adore a good crossover. Just sayin'

fic, five acts, meme

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