Four more drabbles. After this, I think they get posted individually again...
Title: Take My Hand
paracaerouvoarRating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: "Now take my hand and we will run away/Down to this place that I know/How did this night become the enemy?/It's over, it's over, it's over" Drabble.
When he was smaller, Dean never feared the dark, even when he knew what was hiding in it. things went bump in the night, it was his job to bump back.
As he got older, his fear for the dark waned even further. And then he met Castiel, and their relationship thrived in the dark. Meeting under the cover of night, spending the night with each other, just being with each other, together.
But when the sun rose, he still didn't fear the night. It was the night leaving that he feared, because as the dark left, so did Cas.
Title: Set Fire To The Third Bar
paracaerouvoarRating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: "Their words mostly noises/Ghosts with just voices/Your words in my memory/Are like music to me" Drabble.
Castiel was dead. That was what Dean struggled to accept. Not that Lucifer had risen, that the apocalypse was starting, even that it was the angels' fault.
He was filled with a sudden hollowness upon seeing that molar in Chuck's hair, a sensation eating away at him, a strange emptiness, like his mind was his again. He thought he would have been happy, not feeling that tiny little part of him that felt Castiel's presence gone, an itch he couldn't scratch. He found himself harboring the sound of Castiel's voice, like it was never gone. He wanted his angel back.
Title: The Technicolour Phase
paracaerouvoarRating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: "If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors/Of the evening stars./You can go anywhere you wish cause I'll be there, wherever you are." Drabble.
A/N 135 words. So not really a drabble.
Castiel was everywhere, or seemed to be. And Dean wouldn't have it any other way.
He may have no idea what personal space was, or how to apply it in a human sense, but that was just Cas.
It was times like that when Dean remembered what he had forgotten. That Castiel wasn't human. If you cut him he would bleed, like a human, but he healed, sometimes before Dean's very eyes.
But now, he sits there, a shadow of his angelic glory, three days of stubble on his cheek, suddenly looking more human than Dean thought he could.
He was still everywhere, but in a very different way now. He doesn't leave Dean's side, and Dean found himself pining for the angel he once knew, brighter than the brightest star and twice as glorious.
Title: Frontline
paracaerouvoarRating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: "It's not like I'm walking alone into the valley of the shadow of death/Stand beside one another, 'cause it ain't over yet/I'd be willing to bet that if we don't back down/You and I will be the ones that are holding the Crown in the end" Drabble.
A/N: Again, not a hundred. but close.
It happened.
The apocalypse.
Dean was right. The world was gonna end bloody, and he was gonna go down swinging.
But he wouldn't do it alone. Beside him stood Castiel, angel of the lord. If they had to, they would march right into hell, side by side, together forever.
Dean knew that the world was ending regardless, but maybe, just maybe, he and Cas could survive this thing. They just had to keep fighting, keep living, keep winning.
Dean taught him never to back down, and he never did.
They fought to the bitter end, together.
Now, and always, together.